Clocked off for the year on the 6th Dec.. just in time for the doldrums to hit the Torres Strait. The weather was amazing and the fishing red hot with lots of big spanish, GTs and reefies about. had planned a couple of trips wide to chase reds out at the Eastern islands but a brush with a Crown of Thorns Starfish put an end to that. We were spearing/diving a reef a couple of hours from T.I. when i bumped into it (camouflaged on a rock) Immediate intense stinging on forearm with about 11 needle holes. Arm soon throbbed from wrist to shoulder and muscle locked up (could not straighten arm- still can't). Fished on through the pain.. went to emergency and got a tetnus shot and bathed arm in very hot water (we were icing it). Was a bit delirious but was sent home with antibiotics and painkillers and came back next day with very swollen arm and not being able to move fingers. Felt like muscle was trying to push through skin. I developed Cellultis and ended up in hospital for couple of nights on drip (antibiotics). few years ago I stood on a stonefish (yep- working my way through marine stingers) and the Starfish is much much more painfall and longer lasting-although i don't recommend either.
Thunderstorms have since made an appearance and winds have swung to NW. Pity as i got the family up for a fishing holiday. Next couple days could be alright so see how the arm holds up. Current is dropping out and water is very clear. Anyway a bit of footage from a couple of recent trips. NOTE: We let a lot of trevally go but always keep a few for local indigenous friends and families- it is what you do up here as a sign of respect for letting us fish their waters.
Watch out for those bloody starfish.