Unfortunately I have been working weekends recently so I haven't been able to get out for a fish lately and if I had its been pretty ordinary, however looked at the forecast for Wednesday and a quick executive decision was made to head out to and have a look at hutchies and see if I could put my new out riggers to use.
I left manly around 3:30 am and headed to the northern beacons looking to pick up some live bait , after stuffing around at about 6 beacons we had a few livies in the tank I then decided to have a drift over curtain which resulted in nothing so I stoped stuffing around and headed out across the top of Moreton.
I stoped near flinders to set up and started trolling from the top of flinders out towards hutchies.
The first 45 mins I passed a couple of bait shows on the sounder but no action and was starting to wonder if it was going to be a slow day anyway near the northern edge of hutchies the long rigger with a lazer pro on it goes off and after clearing the other lines I manage to land a 83 cm kingfish which was a nice surprise as I wasn't really expecting a kingie and it was a personal best for me, any way he goes in the esky for a feed and I do another pass over the bait and sure enough another little kingie pops up , this one gets let go to grow a bit bigger .
After clearing the lines I notice that one of the leaders looks buggered so I start replacing this and in its place run one of the braid outfits I have on board on a small overhead instead of the 8kg mono I was using on the other positions , I decided to troll north towards Moreton trench and after about 5 mins of heading north the rod with 50lb braid and 80lb leader that was towing a lively mack attack lures goes screaming off and I mean screaming I had to stop clearing the other rods to try and thumb the real as I t had already lost about 200m before I picked it up and it was disappearing that fast that when it put my thumb on it to try and slow it down some I actually burnt my finger so I had no option but to push the drag to sunset and about 15 seconds later it all went slack after I wound in the line it had broken the leader just above the lure I cant say what I was but would have loved just to get a glimpse of whatever it was as it went like a bat out of hell.
I finished replacing the leader and on the 8kg rod and started trolling some swimming gars as well as the minnows after about 20 mins of trolling the long corner rod goes off and as start to wind in the other a little black starts jumping about 30 yards behind the transom and I am stoked as I have caught marlin before on charters before ( thanks Smithy) but this was my first in my boat and I was going to have to do it solo any way I clear 2 of the other rods and the 3rd rod has some weight on it and I think that the little black has tangled the line or swam across to eat the gar any way I go back to original rod with the black on it think I will sort it out if I get the fish to boat and just cut the line when all of a sudden there is a second marlin dancing across the water about 50 from the original fish , holy cow I have just hooked my first and second marlin both at the same time.
Now I was like a one legged man at an ass kicking contest because I was doing a whole bunch of strange things to try and wind in both fish like putting both rods in the transom holders and trying wind both at the same time which I can now say isn't that effective any way one of the blacks spits the hooks from the gar and gets his freedom so I can concentrate on the original fish after about 15 mins of careful manoeuvring I get the fish along side get a couple of photos , get the lure back and swim him along side the boat before sending him on his way.
I have just read Jsmfuns report where he also had a double hook up as well so it seems it was good day all-round over the top of moreton , I stayed out for another hour with a small amberjack ( and loosing another two rigs to presumably something toothy )and was really impressed with the out riggers as I didn't have one crossed line even with some sharp turns before heading home , all in all it was a ripper anyway hope you enjoyed reading this, cheers.