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Thread: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

  1. #1

    best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    Hi guys I have just sold my m260 transducer as I didn't like its performance while on the move. It was installed behind a planing streak at the front of the boat. I have a Haines signature 632f and plan on putting the new thru hull tranny through the 280mm planing plank as I have heard great results. I really like the stainless ss264n tranny but can't fit two of them side by side on my planing plank. Was even considering 1 200kz at 0deg in the plank and a 20deg 50kz at the side of the hull. I fish from 10m-550m and would like to start game fishing so I'm after something to mark bait while trolling. My main goal is to read bottom and mark good pinnacles and bait/fish while at cruising speed. Thanks heaps for your time

  2. #2

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    can you fit one in front of each other? inline?

  3. #3

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    You got the Marlin taste now !

  4. #4

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    I was considering chirp but after doing the maths I don't want to spend the coin and prefer to tweak what I have already got and change transducer as the last one was not in optimum position.. Cheers

  5. #5

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    I very much doubt it. Although they are only 6mm off the hull, I still think that the front one will cause enough turbulence to distort the rear transducer when wanting to use it..

    and yeh it's fun giffo when they are biting!!

  6. #6

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    Can anybody recommend a good place to get transducers from overseas that will help me save money? I'm on the look out for a b260 transducer for a simrad nss12 on bsm1..

  7. #7

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    not that i condone over seas purchasing. and i think its as bad as opening unberellas INDOORS!!.... but BOE and international marine are your prob best bets

    "looks at you with shifty eyes !"

  8. #8

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    what if you had a variable ... hang on.... lightbulb moment here. PM being sent somewhere.
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  9. #9

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    I have had little trouble with my Lowrance 50/200 transducer and would think that a person of your capabilities wouldn't need anything more! Sweep are pretty easy to spot ya know! The way you are talking about fishing you would think you lived in QLD.

  10. #10

    best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    Quote Originally Posted by One more drop View Post
    I have had little trouble with my Lowrance 50/200 transducer and would think that a person of your capabilities wouldn't need anything more! Sweep are pretty easy to spot ya know! The way you are talking about fishing you would think you lived in QLD.

    I think he wants to take Guissepe out chasing the sheeeeet fish again...

  11. #11

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    You may need to visit " The Hull Truth " and ask the question there, seeing you are seeking OS equipment...

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  12. #12

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    By the sounds of it you may be a friend of cobiaman. The guy who talks it up yet hasn't even caught a Cobia. No surprise that your coming across as a douche if your friends with that tool. It's no wonder I come to qld and outfish and outdrink you sad bunch of toads...

  13. #13

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    Arendt on that phill! Getting absolutely nowhere. I would buy from oz if someone had a clue and could help me out.. American business is starting to become like business in Australia I think!!!

  14. #14

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    Boe Marine or Scuba Steve for transducers. I've used both and been happy. Boe Marine generally has transducers in stock - just go onto their website. Also semperfifishing on the THT forum is good.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member bigjimg's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Moorooka, Brisbane.

    Re: best 1kw thru hull transducer for Simrad bsm1/ Haines signature 632f

    I have hooked an Airmar B164 1Kw to my RAYMARINE C120 Classic. I reads perfect at WOT, the 20deg Transducer is fitted to the Port side on the deadrise and fits within the bilge. So still accessible without the need for a deck spin out. I can split my screen for both 50 and 200Hz and for me is more than enough for trolling and targeting fish in anything from 10m to 200m. Horses for courses. I bought my transducer from Marine Direct. Jim.
    Last edited by bigjimg; 22-11-2014 at 03:59 PM. Reason: added info.
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