I know its an age old question but i'm at a bit of a loss.
I've currently got a cruise craft reef raider running an old 135 blackmax witch runs exceptionally well considering the whole package came in at a touch over 6K. Unfortunately the old motor runs through fuel like its going out of style, and i'd like some more milage. The boat it self is in pretty good nick but would benefit from an in-floor fuel tank and there are 2 soft spots in the transom witch would need fixing. other then this the boat seems like it does everything i want it to do, quite comfy handles well and can cope with the noosa bar and northerly blows well. That said its my first proper boat and older then i am so i don't know how much I'm missing out on in terms of 20-30 years of hull development and general advancement.
so the option are i either splash a reasonably large sum of cash on relativly new Quintrex package or i take my chances and spend a fair bit less getting a low hours 115 4 stroke for the old girl and spend some time and money getting the little bits done.