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trade up or re-power?
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Thread: trade up or re-power?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    trade up or re-power?

    I know its an age old question but i'm at a bit of a loss.

    I've currently got a cruise craft reef raider running an old 135 blackmax witch runs exceptionally well considering the whole package came in at a touch over 6K. Unfortunately the old motor runs through fuel like its going out of style, and i'd like some more milage. The boat it self is in pretty good nick but would benefit from an in-floor fuel tank and there are 2 soft spots in the transom witch would need fixing. other then this the boat seems like it does everything i want it to do, quite comfy handles well and can cope with the noosa bar and northerly blows well. That said its my first proper boat and older then i am so i don't know how much I'm missing out on in terms of 20-30 years of hull development and general advancement.

    so the option are i either splash a reasonably large sum of cash on relativly new Quintrex package or i take my chances and spend a fair bit less getting a low hours 115 4 stroke for the old girl and spend some time and money getting the little bits done.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Camhawk88's Avatar
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    Re: trade up or re-power?

    Getting a Quinny would be going backwards in terms of ride mate. CC reef raiders are a good hull, what sort of money are you talking between the 2 options? It might be worth looking at a 125 Opti to replace the black max, the 115 4 stk could be a bit doughy.

  3. #3
    Ausfish New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    I have had my reef raider since 1982 late 2011 replaced transom and stringers + new floor repowered with Honda 4 stroke 90 hp for me when I seen the boat for the first time at a boat show in 82 I felt it looked a good thing and have not changed my mind , for me the Honda has plenty of power and is so economical ,outboard fitted with 4 blade prop
    fish out of Newcastle boat rides well
    hope this helps a little,doing the repair work my self saved me heaps thus allowing me to buy new motor

    if I can help more just ask

  4. #4

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    If you are into offshore fishing, I wouldn't be getting rid of a good glass rig to go to a tinny unless you were talking a much larger, genuine plate aluminium rig which a Quintrex is most certainly not. Get the old girl sorted - your back will love you for it.

  5. #5

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    airlock, the old age question !
    I'd be a tad bias if I answered, but here goes, ive got the next model up, reef finder, and im going thru the replacement of floor and stringer at the moment. im running a 2stk 125 merc, 2005 era, but im swapping that out for the new 115 4stroke merc once the floor and stringers are done.
    both boats punch way above there weight and size and are easily two of the better classics. Yes, a couple of my mates have 6 meter newer boats and yes they are a better ride, but on a good day there's no where I cant go that they do, and they all comment on the fact ive got just as much fishing room as they have. All up, including purchase price once ive done the floor and stringers, and repowered with trade in, I will have probably spent in the order of $ 35k. im happy with the short commings that it may have, compared to there's, they all payed 60k plus.
    I love the old lines of the older boats, and as mentioned the raider and the finder punch way above their size.......
    only my opinion...

  6. #6

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    airlock, there is a charm about the older style boats and even down to the thickness of the fibreglass compared to current models, you mention that there are some soft spots on the transom, these would definitely need to be fixed especially if you are into bar crossing. If I had the money to spend I would probably upgrade only because I could and of all the new toys I could have but if a little cash strapped repowering is good but do look at finding enough money to change some of the other necessity items like LED lights etc.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    The new 150 4 stroke Mercury would bolt up nice..........just sayin.

    Confidence.......the feeling you get before you fully understand the situation.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Gold Member CT's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    Hi Mate,
    I’ve got a 72 Raider that has been in our family since the 80’s. We repowered from the original 125 Johnson to a Ficht Ram 90 five years ago and I followed that with new floor and stringers three years ago. I got a 150 L underfloor tank put in at the same time. I regularly fish 70-80 km wide of Yeppoon.
    On the good days I go anywhere my mates go at just about the same speed. On the bad days I still go nearly all the same places, but only at 30 kph. I’ve invested less than $15K and get better than 2km per litre fuel economy, so its bloody hard to consider forking out the $ for a new 595 Outsider.
    My pet hate is having the esky on deck. If you are going to rip the floor up to put in an under floor tank, I’d be considering an insulated underfloor fish box as well. I put a kill tank in, but then ran the fuel lines through it, so it always smells like fuel and I’ve still got the esky on the deck.
    If you’ve got any other questions, ask away.

  9. #9

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    While you are shouting the old girl a facelift, throw a set of trim tabs into the budget. I was astounded at the difference they made with my rig offshore

  10. #10

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    CT, be interested in you putting up a pic of your kill tank set up ! Im just planning out mine while the floor and stringers are being done !
    I can probably get 160 litre tank in, if I put in a kill tank as well. mine is about a foot longer than the raider, but your right an esky is a pain.
    Dan5, the merc 150 is a great motor, a mate of mine has one on a reef finder, but that's pushing the boundaries of weight even on the reef finder, let alone the reef raider. The new 115 model runs the same gearbox and a 2.1 litre, which saves about 60 kilo's from memory ? both models tend to be weight sensitive and seem to go better with less weight on the back. Im happy if the 115 pushes me at wot in the 65km range, and has decent torque ! plus a fair few grand cheaper to boot. Just currently looking into lifting the transom up to take the longer leg motor as my mate did, the reef finders transom sits pretty low.......

  11. #11
    Ausfish Gold Member CT's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    Quote Originally Posted by bonneville View Post
    CT, be interested in you putting up a pic of your kill tank set up ! Im just planning out mine while the floor and stringers are being done !
    I can probably get 160 litre tank in, if I put in a kill tank as well. mine is about a foot longer than the raider, but your right an esky is a pain.
    The kill tank is about 55 L. You can see the fuel line and breather running down each side. That was a bad idea. I should have run a proper chase pipe to keep the fuel smell in.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  12. #12

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    Craig, Thanks for that, exactly what I was thinking of doing ! Should be an easy fix to pipe those fuel lines though !
    I had it in my mind that I wanted the fuel tank finishing at the back, so as to have the filler and breather exit pipes pointing up, as the tank manufacturer said that's the best way to have it, but everything works against me doing that ! its the best place to have a kill tank, like you have, easy drainage/cleaning, plus it pushes the fuel tank forward which is better for weight distribution etc.
    I drop my boat at the fibreglasser's last thing before xmas so as he starts on it as soon as he's back from holidays, so, I think that's the way im going to go as well, once its done I can measure for the new fuel tank. Is your fuel tank cavity drained under the kill tank back to the bilge area ?????
    (cheers for the photo's)

  13. #13
    Ausfish Gold Member CT's Avatar
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    Re: trade up or re-power?

    Quote Originally Posted by bonneville View Post
    Craig, Thanks for that, exactly what I was thinking of doing ! Should be an easy fix to pipe those fuel lines though ! Did I mention apathy!
    I had it in my mind that I wanted the fuel tank finishing at the back, so as to have the filler and breather exit pipes pointing up, as the tank manufacturer said that's the best way to have it, but everything works against me doing that !
    Mine exit horizontally. Fuel flows into the breather hose is the only real issue to watch. Run it up high to the breather outlet. If it is reasonably full and the bow is raised all the up with the jockey wheel, on a hot day in the sun expansion will end up pushing fuel out the breather.
    its the best place to have a kill tank, like you have, easy drainage/cleaning, plus it pushes the fuel tank forward which is better for weight distribution etc.
    Yep, I wanted the weight away from the back.
    I drop my boat at the fibreglasser's last thing before xmas so as he starts on it as soon as he's back from holidays, so, I think that's the way im going to go as well, once its done I can measure for the new fuel tank. Is your fuel tank cavity drained under the kill tank back to the bilge area ?????
    No, the tank sits in its own compartment. My fuel fill is through the floor into the top of the tank. A spinout in the floor gives access to the tank fill bung. A PVC collar from the top of the tank to the bottom of the floor sicaflexed into place stops fuel spills into the tanks compartment. I will be putting a second spinout in to allow me to look into the compartment to check for fuel leaks or water leaking in through the seal on the lid of the compartment.
    (cheers for the photo's)
    Too easy
    If your going for a proper esky under the floor, I'd get the hatch lids made with sealing lips like you see on the yanky boats so when you wash the deck down or spill fuel it doesnt end up where you want to put your fish.

    Talk to heaps of people to make sure you get what you really want. You really only get one chance for a floor up clean slate.

  14. #14

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    No Quintrex!!! If you really love the keep it update it. If not upgrade to another good glass boat.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: trade up or re-power?

    Thanks for the help, been doing a lot of research and looking at the quality of the newer rigs i can afford and your right, the quiny would to be a step in the right direction for me. a second opinion from a marine mate (boat licence instructor and part time mechanic) has confirmed that while she aint the prettiest example she's solid and won't be falling to bit any time soon. so i'm looking at the engine swap options. worryingly the plate on the hull read up to 200hp and doesn't look as official as rehabs i would expect, I've heard lower figures flung around. But that said it seems like a 115 to 150 range is a good place to start, I'm after fuel economy on longer runs while having enough poke to still use it as a ski boat and get to the closer spots nice and fast on the half day trips. 4 stroke for lack of noise and smoke is a must.

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