The river has been pretty quiet till last weekend...mullet are scattered since the netters were out a couple of weeks ago...
Last weekend...high tide 530pm ....4 days to full moon ...down and chasing mullet by 3 .....a dozen nice size mullet in the tank...back to my spot by 430 ...first jew in the boat by 5
70cm baby up a nice 60cm big eye trevally ....another 70cm model ...then a freight train i couldnt even slow down spooled my 20kg line to the pylons and bam gone...
Next up smahed by another train but up river this time ...with nowere to bust me off i knew i had him...untill a really nice guy decided to watch my 10min fight and drifted past draging 4 lines...had him up to the boat huge silver flash at least its the right colour....brought him up again and holy shit ...biggest jew i have ever had on ...he is 1.5m and 30kgs plus ....back the drag off a tad and hes off for a last run....cue old mate to drift over for a closer look and hes straight over and around all his lines in seconds bam gone and the biggest birds nest of lines ever......WTF IS UP WITH PEOPLE....after much yelling and cutting off all of old mates lines he slinked off down the river and gone...######## ....home by 9pm
5 jew from 70cm up ...pretty happy
last night ....river is dead....found one school of mullet after an hour or two ...pulled in 20 nice size mullet for a feed and a couple of small ones for bait...tally 1 morey eel 6 feet long ...shovel nose almost 2m long and a fitting end to a crap might lol ...