the following is taken directly from the Govt website in regard to the Marine Infrastructure Fund :- The more people enjoy boating in Queensland, the more pressure there is on the capacity of facilities such as boat ramps, pontoons and jetties. Transport and Main Roads owns public boat ramps, pontoons, jetties, floating walkways, barge ramps and wharves throughout Queensland. Transport and Main Roads works in partnership with local government, port authorities and private developers to deliver new and upgraded recreational boating infrastructure for Queenslanders.
The Minister, Steve Dickson has announced these reefs....sort of, here is a part of his media release " The Great Sandy Strait is truly a top spot and a new artificial reef will enhance recreational and commercial fishing, as well as diving ". He also stated " the reefs cost $1.5 million , financed by the Queensland Governments $50 million Marine Infrastructure Fund ".
WELL< Mr Dickson........... please explain.... as per the Marine Infrastructure Fund mission statement above, no where does it mention commercial fishing. In fact, this fund is purely designated and designed for Recreational Fishers / Boaties.
Further, sir, you stated " a new artificial reef ", fact there are 2.... !!!!!
Mr Dickson, this is bull dust or at best a " gaff "................. let's hope it is the latter... !!!!!
cheers Phill