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Thread: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

  1. #16

    Re: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

    Just to add to the grinder related injuries. This was my own stupidity with a 5" grinder with a twisted wire wheel.

    I was cleaning a stainless trowel, using my left foot as a clamp on the ground. Two hands on the grinder and the wheel caught the edge of the trowel. Throwing it into my calf.

    Such a quick action caused a lasting impression.

    Fatigue was the cause of this action. Tired decision making and a "I know that this could happen" thoughts crossed my mind.

    Be careful in the shed guys/girls.

    Damo's dodgy boat building factory.
    Damo's dodgy boat repairs.
    1993 bermuda by Haines 530f - completed resto.
    1976 cruisecraft rogue 14 - estuary weapon.
    1984 vickers easyrider 156 - future project.

  2. #17

    Re: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

    Thats the problem with us tradies, we become complacent with tools. You need to do a job, you need to do it quickly so you just omit the clamping process or the vice cause it will take to long. You have done it so many times before, you don't need the safety stuff. I am still notoriously bad for it, not wearing ear muffs or eye protection. Not clamping jobs. I am better now than I was 10-20 years ago though. I have a new shed getting built soon (provided council lets me) and I am going to make a point of having several pairs of safty glasses, ear muffs and dust masks. Plus I will have several vices too!! IF the stuff is in front of me all the time, I am more likely to use it!I have had 2 angle grinder incidents over the years BTW, both requiring stitches.

  3. #18

    Re: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

    Thanks for all your good wishes.
    I am out of hospital now back to work doing emails single handed.
    The orthopaedist surgeon explained the surgery as "we will remove the bone section that was cut off, next we will pull out the nails, finally repair and merge the nail bed"
    That's where I started turning green I think.

    All good now, lots of pain but still in one peace. Very lucky


  4. #19

    Re: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

    Guess everybody uses one now but the other thing to use with your power tool is an earth leakage cut out device.
    New houses have them at the powerboard but other wise you need it between the socket and the tool.
    Years ago when they first came in, one of my mates drilled through the cord to the tool on the first day he had it.
    Good of PROS to put the post up.

  5. #20

    Re: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

    Yep feel your pain about 13 years ago my circularly saw kicked up after putting it down . I didn't notice that the safety had not fully engaged , the blade was still rotating and when contact was made with the ground it jumped grabbed my jeans and stuck into my knee. Stupidly I didn't call anyone wrapped it up and drove myself to the PA Hospital AE. Anyway the scar reminds me each day of that mistake although the kids get the shark version.
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  6. #21

    Re: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

    ........And ride on mowers...don't go wrestling those suckers or you'll come out holding the shitty end of the stick,probably not a good idea to put up the pics.

  7. #22

    Re: Ouuuuuch!!!! (warning this is graphic!)

    Speaking of ride-on lawn mowers, dad was teaching my mum how to use his brand new zero turn mower. Push forward to go forward, pull back to reverse. Before he could explain that she took of down the driveway did a sharp right turn and drove straight into the barbed wire fence. luckily that pulled the controls back so it didn't continue through the fence.

    At the end of the day if new people need full instructions before touching any new equipment, not while they are using it.

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