The motor is a 2006 30Hp Mariner with 40 hours on it.
The motor died at WOT but ran for longer times at 3/4 throttle but eventually died then too. I have renewed the o rings in the fuel filter and the fuel tank changeover mechanism. Problem exist when fuel is drawn from either tank.
originally the fuel bowl would continue to lower the more revs you gave it but now it is full when the motor dies
I have tried bypassing the primer bulb and the fuel filter. The carb has been removed twice cleaned thoroughly blown with compressed air.
Fuel pump has been renewed. all fuel lines appear in good condition
My conclusions if it was a spark issue than it would splutter at high revs and i should be able to recover by lowering the throttle this dosnt happen. Spark plug gap is correct
It must be a fuel problem in the carb itself.
If the needle and seat were worn out (not likley on a motor with this many hours than surely it would just flood the engine at any revs
After the engine dies I have to choke it to start indicating starved fuel
The butterfly's are at their correct position at WOT
I am at a lose and cant think of any other remedies except a carby kit.
getting the boat to a service agent is not a simple matter due to my location so i keep plugging away at it myself, but now its stop being a challenge and is damm right frustrating.