rec fishers will always get the rough end - particularly when we can not muster much more 1% of any voting block and even then it is pretty fragmented , it would take a pretty ballsey pollie to even try to harness that type of voting block and even then the disunity of fishers would be like shoot both your feet off in short order, other voting blocks are much more "pollie friendly" and easier to negotiate with. In all honesty if it was your political neck on the line who would you deal with - a block of disciplined voters with a common cause and good sellerable public vision - or a Mob of disenchantered voters with no real voting block structure or common vision and aboslotely no disciple whatso ever in relation to policy or public comment....... it's long been said disunity is death and in a political sence it is a reality, it would be easier to pick up a fresh turd by the clean end then to unite any sort of recreational fishing voting block, ...... if i were a pollie , i'd run hard and fast.