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Thread: 80 Series - Front Seat conversion

  1. #1

    80 Series - Front Seat conversion

    The 80 is a great truck...but front bucket seats leave a bit to be desired ..esp on a long haul.

    Just wondering if anyone has replaced these with the bucket seats out of a Cruiser 100 series or similiar..?
    And if so how did u go about it ....did you have any probs....& do u need to have it certified etc .....??

    Not overly keen on Stratos etc ...mainly due to their cost !!!

    Any advice appreciated.


  2. #2

    Re: 80 Series - Front Seat conversion

    Same boat mate I've looked into it the width of the seat being the main problem with after market seats and also getting the right height plus making new adapter rails.the cost of doing all the above plus buying seats I'm looking at just getting mine re done with more support got quoted $250 to do it from my local guy he also did the misus car roof lining and did a good job

  3. #3

    Re: 80 Series - Front Seat conversion

    Ok ...thanks mate.
    Sort of figured it wouldn't be a straight swap & bolt in job .... !!!
    Maybe what you have suggested is the go ....will have a chat to some local trimmers for advice & quote.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: 80 Series - Front Seat conversion

    hi guys just worth a note the seats out of the 60 series Sahara are air bagged like a good quality truck they should bolt straight in i recon they are comfy and wont be to dear but i know the cost Toyota a packet
    HILLY .

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