Been thinking about whether or not to post this for a while now but here goes.
It seems lately that every time we go offshore around Moreton and Straddie, there is always someone out there (or two or three) that will drive straight over our drift line and be within 50m of the boat (but more like 20m). Sometimes they would fly past and other times pass through slowly sounding out your ground. Sometimes its a bit worrying that their props may cut through our lines when there's a bit of current running. So my question is 'wheres the courtesy gone'? Its a big paddock out there with heaps of places to fish. Why do people have to come so close. I reckon this has happened to a lot of people out there both offshore and in the bay so feel free to express your opinion. Any ideas about what we can do about these fishos who show no respect or common boating etiquette?