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Changes to Qld's closed season on Australian Bass
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Thread: Changes to Qld's closed season on Australian Bass

  1. #1

    Changes to Qld's closed season on Australian Bass

    I just noticed this in a FaceBook post, haven't received officially but it seems legit. I know a lot of people have been working behind the scenes to have the areas effected by the closed season looked at for a long time so a thumbs up to this Government for acting. Haven't had time to fully comprehend the new areas that can be fished but they are a bit more than many were asking for. Hope this won't be a prob.

    Changes to Australian bass closed seasonThe Australian bass closed season now applies only to Aussie bass caught within tidal waters following recent changes to legislation.

    Fisheries Queensland manager Tony Ham said the changes to the closure would allow fishers to continue to target Aussie bass in areas where the fish were not contributing to population growth.

    “The annual closure is in place to protect Australian bass while they are in brackish waters to spawn,” Mr Ham said.

    “The former closure arrangement applied to all waters with the exception of some stocked impoundments even though bass in some freshwater areas could not access brackish waters to spawn.

    “The amendment ensures that the closure applies only to those areas where bass are in need of protection when they aggregate to spawn and allows recreational fishers to continue to fish for bass outside those areas without impacting on the sustainability of the fishery.

    “The closure now applies to tidal waters only, which means fishers can continue to target and keep Aussie bass caught in non-tidal waters.

    Mr Ham said the closure was in place until Monday, 1 September 2014.

    If you suspect illegal fishing, whether seen in person or online, report it to the Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116. Don’t engage the person, as this can compromise an investigation.

    For more information on closed seasons, or call 13 25 23.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member grinner2's Avatar
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    Re: Changes to Qld's closed season on Australian Bass

    That makes good sense to me Mike ......will continue to fish for salt water species though until the weather warms up a little , then LOOK OUT BASS HERE WE COME AGAIN.

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