Have a look at seabreeze. Blowing 15 plus
have a look at willy. Blowing 4 knots
who do u believe
Have a look at seabreeze. Blowing 15 plus
have a look at willy. Blowing 4 knots
who do u believe
Bom, considering how most sites source their info from there any way. I scratch my head wondering how different sites can have such big variances to each other
The number of times seabreeze gets it wrong is heaps. I usually follow Willy.
Gotta be careful of Willy too Greg.
Spitfire Channel Beacon will say 8 knots but it'll be up around 15!
BuoyWeather is a pretty good bet although just got back from the Passage and it forecast 4-5 knots but it was up around 10-15 from the NE on Low. Swung round to NW ish on the turn.
It has been pretty accurate the rest of the week though.
NOT willy. It just wants to be your friend
Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.
I found meteye on the bom to be helpfull you can adjust it to where you want to go and it will change as you move it around to the different areas
Thats the same with Buoyweather Mate, you can put the cursor over the area you want to fish and it'll give a 2 day forecast of swell and wind, broken down into morning and arvo for free.
If you subscribe it'll give you a longer range forecast too.
They all use BOM but the problem with BOM is it is such a generic forecast from Double island Point to Point Danger - huge area. I do use this part of BOM though and if you keep an eye on it for a couple of days then you can usually work it out for yourself.
I use the BOM update page for inner beacon http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDQ60...01.94590.shtml
combine with your preferred site, sea breeze etc for the exact location you are going to fish. gives a fairly good indication