on the subject, boats.net aren't shipping OEM merc or OMC parts to AUS due to distribution arrangements.
Any websites where you can genuine OMC parts?
on the subject, boats.net aren't shipping OEM merc or OMC parts to AUS due to distribution arrangements.
Any websites where you can genuine OMC parts?
Set up a 'Bongo' account. That way you have a ground shipping address in the USA. Bongo then on send the package to you in AUS.....
You want insight................. OK, here is some. My wife's company is the sole importer for a range of US made heat shrink terminals. The US manufacturer is also a 3M distributor as all the heat shrink tube on the terminals is made by 3M.
Eva can supply 3M heat shrink tube cheaper than 3M wholesales the stuff. We FLY all our stock in from the US & keep probably a KM of tube on hand. 3M & Raychem bring their tube in by sea. 3M also have a big warehouse down south & probably have quite a few staff so their overheads would be high. But we carry a popular range of 3M tube that 3M Australia do not carry.
As Lucky Phill would say...............GO FIGURE.
ROLL TIDE, ROLL.................
It's a tough one. You see jobs going overseas from both here and the US. The US is such a big market but it's still hard to believe that they could sell gear for 1/2 what it can be sold for from here. Then again there's a difference between ordering a one off from the US and have it delivered here (thanks to the boom in on-line shopping and the fall in transport costs) and trying to run a retail store and stock products from the vast array available that someone here might want to buy. You see Bias closing stores and cutting back on stock.
At the end of the day we (and our peers in the US) are getting poorer every year and 500 million Chinese are much better off. But then we've got a long way to fall and they work very hard to get into the middle class earning $5K per year.
In the immortal words of Bob Dylan, "Something is happening but you don't know what it is. Do you Mr. Jones?"
Spirited 230
I solely blame real estate agents for all of this. Their greed drives up home prices, a house which people need. We've got to get high paying jobs to pay the mortgages / rent, so our workforce is paid highly. Employees become too much of a financial liability, so companies either can't afford to continue (moving manufacturing etc overseas), or they charge higher prices to survive.
So next time you are off to buy some parts for your boat locally, when driving past the real estate agent with their BMW parked out the front of their store front, stick your finger up at them!!!
You don't see the Chinese paying off massive mortgages now, do you
I think it's cheaper in the US as they pay their staff fck all. They have one of the lowest minmum wages around. Careful what you wish for or you may end up on a US pay check.
Just something else. I can ship a one cubic metre pallet package from China [by sea] cheaper than I can send a small parcel by courier from my home across to the other side of the city . Figure that also
Yeah but don't forget their cost of living is a lot lower too. It's not about absolute dollars and cents, it's about purchasing power. You want high wages? Somebody's got to pay for it, money doesn't magically appear out of thin air. That's why prices start going up because businesses need to recover the high cost of labour, rent, services, etc. it's all a vicious circle. I feel a lot has to do with laziness and greed. Americans in general work really hard for less because there's a lot more competition and they don't have the same social welfare services to fall back on.
To another poster, living beyond their means is not a part of Chinese culture. That's why they try to pay off mortgages whenever they can, work and save hard to provide for their family and hopefully leave something for they children in the end. Sounds philosophical but not without merit.
It has always been my private conviction that any man who pits his intelligence against a fish and loses has it coming. ~John Steinbeck
Realestate agents are pressured by on-line sales just like retail (although they do get almost double the US (7% vs 4%) I'd say high house prices in Aus are due to the chronic under supply of houses for a population that is growing naturally and by immigration. IMO, under supply of houses is due to the fact that State Government owns all the land and releases it ever so slowly. This perpetuates a situation where demand is greater than supply and acts to keep prices high. This is in their interest since it also keeps up the stamp duty revenue
Spirited 230
Its called economies of scale. Australia has a population of 22 million, America has 370 million. On average, America has some of the lower rents while Australia has some of the highest. America has some of the lowest wages while Australia has one of the highest. In having said that, some of the wholesalers I deal with in my game charge a higher wholesale price than I can buy it at full retail in the USA including delivery. A couple have agreed to higher discount so they at least make some money from me, the other 98% wont, so my money has to go offshore so I can at least remain competitive. I have found most Australian businesses reactive rather than proactive which I think is driving so many to the wall. The other point I would make, is that Australia has way to many fingers in the pie taking there cut before the customer pays the final price. In Australian you have the national agent, then you have the State agent, then you have the retailer, then the customer. In the USA, you have the national agent, then the retailer. Dont even get me started on the Unions, labour rates and all the other add on employers must pay to there employees.
All these theories and so on are fine, but how in any way shape or form, can an Aussie boat/tackle/auto/whatever compete with an internet price, when he doesn't buy the product for what you can yourself off shore? Lets put a silly slant on something for a second, just suppose you buy your motor from an unknown internet supplier here in Aus, he delivers it in a box by courier, (that you pay for) and from that point on, your on your own, no warranty, no phone call backup, because he has done a deal with an offshore agent and shipped the motors here himself, but he is a lot cheaper than the dealer down the road, who has the motor in stock, can fit it for you, will answer any questions, fix it for you if it breaks, would you still buy from the internet sales guy?? That's where the whole thing falls down, the local guy is not trying to rip you off, he is just trying to earn a living, and he sure as shit cant do that by selling stuff at a loos. How about another silly analogy, lets say unskilled, low paid foreign labour was allowed to flood our country, they start to undercut the local painter/electrician/plumber, because they don't have insurance, workers comp, pay GST and so on, would you get the cheaper guys to paint your house, fix your boat? don't think so, we still want the high paid safe option for our own jobs, but will happily undercut some local company when it suits us! I know we are getting fleeced, but it is NOT the small business owner doing it!!
I already understand all the examples you have stated, but try to understand that Im stating the facts as they currently stand, sticking your head in the sand wont fix anything. Whats the solution, well I would be asking, what are the solution's to the multitude of issues with in the retail sector in Australia? If your happy to pay 50% or more then by all means go for it.
One example I will give though. To redo do all the windows and doors seals on my F250 would cost over $1000 in Australia. The exact same kit landed from the States cost me $290, so according to the above statements, I should be a true patriot and coff up the extra $710 so I can help keep someone in a job for 1 week? Makes no sense and I simply cant see the logic in any of that. No, its certanly not the retailers fault, the blame lands at the feet of the Australian Agents.
Thats the point Shawn. I face the same cost of living pressure myself, so your suggesting I should pay more when I have the option to save a substantial amount???? Your essentially asking me to pay much more for a product when Im under the exact same system as the employee your speaking of above. If you feel so strongly, then by all means, support your local. I spend a great deal on products in this country, so If I can save some extra here and there, that where my money is going, I have no doubt you do the same, maybe you to have purchased overseas but not honest enough to admit it.