With low tide late in the afternoon and the wind light from the NW it was an opportunity to head to one of my landbased spots at Point Halloran and have a fish for chopper tailor. It would only be a short session but I expected it to yield a feed. The session started off with a trifecta of grinners. The first tailor soon followed a legal fish but no monster. It looked like I would be going home with just the one fish when the line took off. I assumed it was a very solid tailor but was puzzled that there was no aerial display. I was beginning to realise that whatever it was quick and I was trying to work out what it was. What a surprise when after several more quick runs I got a glimpse of it, a nice little mackerel. There was some more shenanigans from the fish as I coaxed it up onto the bank but it was safely in the bag. Great fun on light line. Not long after that I picked up a better tailor around 43 cm. That was it though for the afternoon, an hour and half fishing had only produced three fish, but it was a good feed with a surprise thrown in. Again it goes to show that you do not need a boat to catch fish in Moreton Bay. There are a plethora of landbased spots that can produce fish if you put a little effort in to understand them.