Confidence.......the feeling you get before you fully understand the situation.
The croc tours on the Adellaide River with the jump for lunch fellas were going on since I first saw them in the 70's.
The calls for culls have also been going on for over 30 years by some people.
I don't keep track of stats on who's been bit lately because it has always seemed clear to me that crocs attack people way less than they are capable of doing.
An interesting report from NT Police would be how many unfortunate persons have suffered from traffic accidents on the way to and from (Barra) fishing trips over the years.
But seriously, up that way the crocs are only one danger. The sun will cook you, currents and tides drag you away... Box jellyfish and (trust me) even half separated tentacles burn the #### out of you. Sea lice... small sharks, other sharks, malaria..... But the one to watch out for is Barra Fever!
Sincerely - no disrespect to the fella or his family- but he was doing what he most likely loved.
And what a way to go!!!! Legend.....
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Yes i agree too. Cull the big ones.You'll never protect a fool who swims a river drunk or whatever, but losing everyday blokes
like this chap is really sad.
The reality is that humans are not all croc savy and we are accident prone, and forgetful, and if we are going to let all humans near them, we will continue with fatalities. I know its their habitat, but at the end if the day i personally value a human life more than any animal on the planet.
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
I wonder how many crocs are fed beside the boat by non tour boats??
There are plenty of photos and vids on the web ofpeople tempting crocs for a photo.....all adds to the training.
Crocs really come in for splashing and water disturbance, ive seen this. Washing a bucket is a perfect draw, if thats how exposed he was to the water
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
A controlled cull where people (tourists) are paying for the chance to shoot certain crocs does have possibilities.
I understand in places like Alaska this happens successfully with Bears. With few complaints from any of those involved.
Whether the NT Gov't can manage this is a big question. Don't forget they have animal lobbies as well.
Odes20, I didn't mean to ignore your question. We both know of the crocs stalking ability. And surely you are not going to apply too much belief in the details of media reports. (They just want headlines)
I like your question but all it comes down to is to taking individual care in order to not become an unlucky statistic.
As a kid in Darwin we saw people happily swimming in places we thought were very stupid. Saw a kid reach into the water to touch something one arvo. It was a box jellyfish.
Hurt her hand, but Darwin Hospital was only a few minutes from Rapid Creek, so she should have been totally ok.
One afternoon a mate got off our school bus and went home to find out his Dad (and Dads' mate) was killed by crocs that day after their tinny capsized.
A work colleague of my fathers was one of those whose boat was attacked by the legendary Sweetheart. He survived after a terrifying night.
So its no joke. Need to be careful up that way. But the Barra and other northern sportfish, plus the adventures up there make it all worthwhile.
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Surely the croc population is getting to the point where we could adapt a system similar to the US alligator harvesting season, controlled by allocated tags. Traditional land holders can be issued with these tags and conduct safaris or commercial harvesting in controlled areas. Makes sense to aim for safari type venture as the best return per tag would be likely, but that would be up to the tag holder. Creates jobs, keeps croc populations in check, improves tourisim, ensures a systematic approach to croc management. Win/win (except for the croc!)
I am so happy to wake up in the morning.
Beats the alternative!
Going up the Gulf again with a bunch of blokes in July. There are plenty crocs where we are going. I know some people have a Safety Tool Box talk at work at the start of a days work, i think we will be having a Tackle Box Talk! Just to sharpen our thoughts and awareness.
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
We have a shark control system here on the Goldy, with a licenced contractor looking after it.What is the difference with a program for the crocs up North ? As mentioned, some people would pay big bucks to shoot a croc !
Crocs are trapped and taken to the croc farm by National parks all the time. They get calls about problem crocs- go set a trap - and then get rid of them. Or they set traps in places like Katherine gorge after the wet and send those ones to the farm before its opened up to tourists.
I think the main problem is people cleaning their fish and throwing the frames off the boat and/or feeding the crocs. To be honest it would be cool to feed a 4m wild croc and who wants to bury the fish frames way up in the bush when you can just chuck em in the water? If people are too lazy to clean up their camp sites as if they give a crap about where they dispose of the fish waste.
I think no matter what measures are put in place people will get taken regardless. People do silly things and get complacent- especially after a few beers (I know I have). I've never heard of anyone getting taken while they are being careful so that really sums it up - you take a risk, your life is at risk. You might consider washing a bucket over the side of a boat to be low risk but I can say that it is definatly not, especially in a highly used area where them crocs get real cheeky. But I have done way stupider things up there and I got away with it.
I took the liberty this morning to ring the NT Parks and Wildlife Service. I asked for info as to what the chap was actually doing and the lady said he was washing a bucket leaning over the back of the boat. So that helps us be a bit more informed.
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
time to cull the crocs!!!!
a sustainable,international industry evolved around crocs is there waiting to be developed.......and id like to see native Aussies leading the way.
people would come from around the world.....
managed by people with repect, it would be a sustainable industry....
crocs would again learn to fear the sound of a boat every day people would be a tad safer when the croc realise that a tinnie isnt just a john west tuna waiting for them to eat.....
Another chapter of white people doing stupid shit then blaming Mother Nature. On a world wide scale we are a scourge - chalk one up for the animals and get on with it.
nil carborundum illegitimi
Bit weird GBC? and as well a lot of people who get eaten by crocs in Aust. are aboriginals. get facts straight. No one is blaming the crocs for being a croc.
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"
Checked facts running back to 1987. Runs about half aboriginal, half white.
checked threads about needing croc culls - can't find many black fellas in them.
Back to you.
nil carborundum illegitimi