I had permission to have a quick fish on the way home from delivering my daughter to sleepover birthday party...........
After 2 min I saw bait fish getting chased, so chucked my lure, I'm on, line going out fast , lineburn.......
It took 80 mtrs line, hoping for little barra, threadie , but the school was still chasing baitfish, they looked like mac tuna, nearly a mtr long and fat. I just kept pressure on on my Silstar powertip and Daiwa Millionaire and cheap 15 lb line and 35 lb leader. I was amazed my gear stood up so good, my double surgeons knot I use on my leader, and blood lure knot.
He wasn't coming in, and still taking line after 30 min, so I had to get home, so locked drag and walked backwards up the rock wall. The line broke, at the leader knot at 70 cm and the main line was chafed in a couple of places a mtr up from his tail .... I'm amazed it held so much pressure for 30 min.
High tide is the trick.