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Thread: Stuff worth buying overseas!

  1. #1
    Ausfish Gold Member ThePinkPanther's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    On Moreton Bay

    Thumbs up Stuff worth buying overseas!

    With a boat that gobbles up glass fuses, has miles of wiring, connectors etc. I am constantly buying all this sort of gear from the usual haunts like Dick Smith and the like ......... And not cheap!

    So I had a prowl on eBay and found the following!

    125 glass fuses - various amps
    270 lengths variable size heat shrink
    75 heat shrink ready wire joiners
    20 heat shrink ready terminal connectors

    And the total cost with FREE postage from Hong Kong to here was $35.00!

    Just the heat shrink along here would have been well up around fifty bucks or more and though I didn't price what they all would have cost here, assuming you could even find this sort of thing, would have been close to $100.00 plus!

    Everything comes in nice little clearly marked compartment boxes for easy finding and the quality was first class.

    Worth the exercise as they arrived five days after I ordered them!

  2. #2

    Re: Stuff worth buying overseas!

    I do a combo of supporting my local and buying overseas, sometimes the overseas price is just ridiculously better.

  3. #3

    Re: Stuff worth buying overseas!

    Buy top quality marine electrical gear from peterbo3 here on Ausfish.

  4. #4

    Re: Stuff worth buying overseas!

    I would be checking that miles of wiring, it should be a rare thing to blow a fuse if wired correctly and rite wattage fuses are used..
    take a feed & leave the rest to breed

  5. #5

    Re: Stuff worth buying overseas!

    if your constantly blowing fuses I would be in a big hurry to find out why your blowing them, how many electrical circuits does your boat have? and which ones are you blowing?

  6. #6

    Re: Stuff worth buying overseas!

    I agree. Most stuff from China now ships free from HK. Or, they have a cousin with a shipping container full of stuff living in SW Sydney and shipping free from there. I recently bought some watch-makers tools, magnifiers, clamps etc for maintaining reels. The stuff was ridiculously cheap 3.95 to 7.95 all with OK quality and free shipping, although some of the stuff took a few weeks to arrive.
    Spirited 230

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