They are a good bit of kit. The guy's I used to work for were doing a demo at a customers one evening at Raby Bay when old mate down the end of the canal decided that it was safe to take a leak in his backyard a couple of hundred metres away. Not that they wanted to look but a very clear indication of just how good this stuff is. the best part of it is that it will see objects in the water(not under the surface but breaking the surface) that radar can miss - crab pot floats, logs etc. They won't necessarily stand out like the proverbial but they will be there. Just a pity it's so exy. As for the spotty - good for the estuary but they still have their limitations. I spent a very cold, miserable, rough winters night on anchor somewhere near Shag Rock courtesy of a GPS malfunction in the early days. I knew I was close - local knowledge - lights on Straddie. Motored around for about half an hour looking for the rock to hide behind but it was that black the light just didn't seem to penetrate. Eventually decided it was more dangerous to keep looking than just anchor. When the sun arrived the following day the rock was only about 100 metres away. The spotty was a good 100 watt handheld, not a toy.
I guess the best thing to do is not put all your eggs in one basket. People have navigated the globe with little more than a compass and candles - doesn't mean it's the best or only way to do it.