I was at sea 300miles east of Cairns with a broken crankshaft back in 1975 and there was pollution floating around there in clumps. ice cream containers etc. Nothing like that photo though.
I was at sea 300miles east of Cairns with a broken crankshaft back in 1975 and there was pollution floating around there in clumps. ice cream containers etc. Nothing like that photo though.
What a brilliant idea. Everyone take what ever crap they have lying around and just go and dump it in the bay and call it an 'artificial reef'. Got an old boat or a few surplus milk crates - just go dump them in the bay and the fish will come. Does anyone really think this can end well? I fully support well designed and planned artificial reef structures which can support and grow fish populations in otherwise desolate areas of mud and silt. The destroyers of productive mangrove and estuaries should be the ones required to offset the losses with compensatory habitat. These ideas are getting traction but the pollies need pushing in the right direction. These ideas need to be built into the next marine park zoning plan for Moreton Bay and not just the simplistic' lock it all up' approach.
...would a large airliner work?
seriously, though, they make a product guys use ice fishing to attract fish. if it works under the ice i don't see why it wouldn't work anywhere else.
i've only ever heard about them and can't speak as to their effectivness.
standing on a bridge
watching water rushing under-
neath it must have been much harder
when there was no bridge just water
I rekon there are plenty of big lakes on the goldy that would love a little homemade reef plonked in the middle of em =) I wonder...
I would like to see an artificial reef stetched along the edges of no trawl zones.......something like big concrete pilons or pipes laid single file along the boundaries. Will serve both as a trawling barrier and a fish highway.
would a large airliner work?
It has been done before. There are downscan pictures of a plane that was sunk on this site somewhere.