Guys, it is illegal to create your own Arti.
It is also well known that there are more " personal arti's " than legislated ones about.
I sit on the Qld Arti Reef committee / working group and have all the knowledge you need to access to do it legally and properly.
We are currently in the process of deploying 2 new arti reefs in SEQ and 2 in CQ, details are not for public knowledge just yet. These should be deployed by June 2015.
There is a mountain of red tape to get throught to start an arti and some items are :-
water depth
suitable substrate
adjacent natural reefs
navigation waterways
habitat and environment
traditional owners ( need permission to deploy )
State and Federal ticks of approval
commercial fishing activities
tidal influences ( silting )
and importantly.... materials.
FYI. The ideal material is bare steel. Then concrete. Tyres are a no no....... ships, boats etc are ok, but will not see us using them due to cost of de-contamination and deployment readiness. Ships also are only good for small areas, as stated above, best to have spread out smaller reefs.
Some of our most succesful reefs are made of steel and are 6mtrs x 6mtrs x 6mtrs.. like a big pyrimad, open structure. We also use Reef Caves and Reef balls ( concrete ) and all of these are dedicated structures and manufactured to specific dimensions and materials.
Due to certain lobby groups and similar groups that the Government do not want to offend, we are restricted from using " materials of opportunity ", that is free stuff given to us by buisness's. This is seen as " dumping waste " and we can't have that now, can we ??? Hence we are forced to pay for new structures to be built.
If you want an arti in your area, I suggest you get together a group, be it business owners, fishers or club fishers and get some details from me or better still, your local State member of parliament, on what you need to do to apply for funding to build your reefs. There are funds available to do this under the LNP's Marine Infrastructure Fund.
cheers Phill