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New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod
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Thread: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

  1. #1

    New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    Hi Guys

    Bought a new rod at the tackle show yesterday that I need to pair up with a reel. My budget for the reel would be up to $350.00- $400.00 and I am a big shimano fan but happy to look at something else.

    I want to use this to do some bottom bashing and jigging.

    The rod it's going on is a Gary Howard Outsider 15kg full roller overhead.

    Cheers and thanks for any help you can offer.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    diawa saltist 35 2 speed $399 great reel can be used for bottom bashing / floatling lining / jigging/ idealy for 50 pound braid
    happy days ahead summer is coming

  3. #3

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    I'm not sure that a full roller rod is going to be suitable for bottom bashing and jigging. Perhaps you could exchange it for something like a venom. For what you are planning I would grab something like a Torium or even a Release SG. Keep it light
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    Agree 100% with Horse. 1 Torium 20 for $ 159 left at BCF Burleigh.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    Shimano TLD is a perfect match (and great value for money) on the Gary Howard Outsider 15kg (yes, I've got one too) and it also doubles as a great rig for small blacks, wahoo and dorado. IMHO, the biggest mistake made by some is that they put too much lead on for bottom bashing in an effort to race it down perhaps 70-100m. They send it screaming past the quality fish sitting higher in the water column. Wafting baits down to the bottom provides a higher much higher yield of quality fish. The Torium is a top reel, especially with the thumb flick lever - have one mated to a Texalium - another very good rig. Would be happy with that on the GH as well. Venoms are pretty remarkable with their 40lb dead lift teamed with a Tyrnos, but I've seen one sprung out of its seats by an XXXOS cobe. Also proved the quality and robustness of the first line guide. Just a couple of thoughts but again, you can feel pretty confident with the TLD if you are going to target anywhere from the Cathedrals, 35's and 100m off Brisbane up to the reefs off 1770 and wide of Gladstone.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    Have a look at the Finnor Marquesa MT30, fast retrieve and great reel.

  7. #7

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    Thanks very much for all your suggestions guys! Much appreciated. Horse is there any reason why you wouldn't recommend a roller rod for jigging or bottom bashing? This is my first proper overhead set up so there is probably something I have over looked. Problem is I don't think I can return it as I bought it at the tackle show. Super daff what size TLD would you suggest? A 15? I will also check out the torium 20
    as that seems like sensational value. Would it be ok on this rod or what I have to swap it for the venom rod? Would you guys load these with braid? Cheers


  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    Nick, we use fully rolled rods mainly for bill fish and their by catch, mainly due to the high friction and tension that can occur during the hookup. They are also high maintenace rods that needs to be cleaned and serviced on a regular basis. There action is not really designed for jigging or bottom bashing. TLD's are proven work horses at the bottom of the range and great value for money, and yes I would recommend braid from around 50pd for jigging and bottom. A great all rounder would be a Simano T Curve 200 O/H jigging rod( they are a bit taller than the normal jig rods and a softer tip)around $ 250, and a Toruim 20 reel( 10kg drag) I only recommend the Toruim because I think it is value for money. I use a Talica 16 0n my Live Fibre Venom's and T Curve. Its all about horses for courses at the end of the day.

  9. #9

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    some good options in that budget, for a bit more Talica/Torque.

    1. Talica
    2. Fin Nor Marquesa
    3. Okuma Cedros
    4. Penn Fathom/Torque

    Venom or Tcurve 200 with 50 or 65lb

  10. #10

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    You need 2 rods i reckon for Agnes but seeing as you have a trolling rod why not make it 3 outfits

    1: Trolling outfit ie your roller rod. Get yourself a Tyrnos20 and load it with 20-30 pound mono, nice spanish up there. Thats what the rods built for and it will be an awesome trolling outfit.

    2: Bottom Basher, seems your thinking of an OH so basically 2 options, a jigging stick or a more traditional 15-24 kg OH, ( can double as a trolling outfit but you have that)

    : T-Curves, Ugly Sticks or Fin Nor etc... then theres the Venom which i would go, ie the Venom 250 or 350 OH ( I use a Venom 250 and have landed some good reds on it but would get a 350 next time)
    : any good OH 15-24 kg stick like a live fibre or Gary Howard Ugly Stick etc

    3: A light spin stick 6- 8 kgs, so can flick placcies, or throw small baits into bombies or use as a bait jig stick as well, also good for spanglies in the lagoons at night.

    With reels i reckon get into a tackle store and just see what suits you best, theres a big range or brands and prices

    If your into a lighter bottom bashing outfit which will knock over most fish there is a new Venom 7 foot OH 2-5 PE which are like the old live fibres but a lot lighter, i have that with a Talica 16 with 65 braid and bloody awesome! knocked over a 12kg red earlier this year with ease.

    One rod isnt enough mate, its fine, you cant die with too much tackle!
    Tangles KFC

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member bannana's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    The softer the rod the better in my opinion so that's why I use a "bring it on". I don't even like a 15-24 Wilson live fibre. Too stiff for my liking but I'm only chasing fish to 10kgs. Line 50lb bionic (pink). Reel -Torsa 20 or 30.

    I think the main problem is guys fish way to heavy. 80 lb braid and 100+ lb leader. It's way over the top unless your fishing for the big boys. I'd rather fill the box and catch consistent quality as opposed to going really heavy and landing that one fish. If the fish are of the chew I drop back to fishing 30lb mono on the same rod with no leader and a running ball sinker.

    I also like the Tyrnos 20 if the Torsa's out of the price range.

    good luck I hope what ever combo you end up with belts a few quality fish on your first hit out with it.


  12. #12

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    It's worth pointing out the FinNor offshore rods are selling for as low as $129 right now so that puts them right into contention. Chuck a Talica 8, Saltiga 30 or Penn Torque 15 or 25N on the 50lb rod and you'll have a pretty sweet set up.

  13. #13

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    loving all of the input guys!!

    I will run this by you.

    Thanks to a combnination of all of the information above I am now thinking of running 3 set ups.

    1. Stradic FJ 5000 (30LB power pro) on Terez 7ft 15-30LB Medium action- I already own this set up. (throwing small metals, soft plastics)

    2. Tyrnos 20 2 speed (50LB power pro) on Gary Howard Outsider 15kg. (trolling, Live baiting) $400.00 for the Reel including Braid.

    3. Shimano Saragosa 10000 SW (50 LB Power Pro) on a custom made "bring it on" $400.00 reel including braid, $350.00 rod.

    A little over budget but what do you guys think of the set ups? What are your thoughts on the Saragosa spinning reel bang for buck?

  14. #14

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    Quote Originally Posted by Nicholas2230 View Post
    loving all of the input guys!!

    I will run this by you.

    Thanks to a combnination of all of the information above I am now thinking of running 3 set ups.

    1. Stradic FJ 5000 (30LB power pro) on Terez 7ft 15-30LB Medium action- I already own this set up. (throwing small metals, soft plastics)

    2. Tyrnos 20 2 speed (50LB power pro) on Gary Howard Outsider 15kg. (trolling, Live baiting) $400.00 for the Reel including Braid.

    3. Shimano Saragosa 10000 SW (50 LB Power Pro) on a custom made "bring it on" $400.00 reel including braid, $350.00 rod.

    A little over budget but what do you guys think of the set ups? What are your thoughts on the Saragosa spinning reel bang for buck?
    With your second set up I would just buy the single speed I doubt you would ever use the low gear and I would run 10 or 15kg mono for trolling you will fit about 500m of 15kg on the Tyrnos 20. Then you could use this reel for float lining as well.
    Cheers Brett

  15. #15

    Re: New overhead reel for 1770 trip- 15KG Rod

    1. That'll work and you already have it.
    2. Yes again but as above the two speed is a luxury and with that line class you don't really need it so can save money on the single speed. I'd go even further and look at a TLD or Penn Squall to save even more cash.
    3. Yes on the reel. A Daiwa Seagate 4500 would also be a good option for a cheaper reel (not to mention others as well but the Gosa will be good). Any links to that rod? What blank is it?

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