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Thread: pickled red claw

  1. #1

    pickled red claw

    hi all
    can anybody give a recipe for pickled red claw and how long it will keep
    cheers Mary and snap

  2. #2

    Re: pickled red claw

    This is something I picked up off the net a few years ago when I was searching for a similar thing. Unfortunately I have never got around to testing it out. No idea how long it would keep but around me I'm guessing not long! Think I would add some chilli to it.

    250ml white vinegar

    1 tablespoon sugar

    1/2 tablespoon allspice

    1/2 tablespoon pepper

    1/2 tablespoon nutmeg

    bay leaves

    lemon slices

    whole cloves

    Mix the first 5 ingreds together. Adding more/less sugar to taste, pour over cleaned, raw crayfish in a jar. Chuck in a few cloves, a bay leaf and a slice of lemon, seal jar etc etc. Leave for at least 24 hours

  3. #3

    Re: pickled red claw

    thanks for that

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