How a post can change from the original posters concern to where it is , is a concern in itself lol... Gun laws were introduced for the mentaly unstable who may think the way to resolve their worry is by use of a "Gun & Bullet " and takes the abillity away or mostly the abillity away from them...
Crims who wish to use a firearm for whatever reason they wish can still purchase them so the Gun laws do zilch in that arena.
For those who wish to use forearms for sport or vermin control etc can still purchase them via the legal channels so nuno problemo there..
If one sees whats happening overseas via the useof GUNS!!!Firearms it does create concern hoping it never gets to that stage here , does it not??, so the answer may be yes we do need gun control and that is what our gun laws are for "Gun Control " and doesnt need explaining further..
And as for the original post maybe the debate can trend towards that direction..
I have a worry personally for those who cant or cannot get into the high paying jobs which provide high end Super Schemes and have to rely on a pension , and asthe concern is they may just have to wait to a good old age of seventy years of age (if that age is not raised between then and now) and if the pension or the purchase value of the pension is not reduced between then and now and cost of living raises..
These are the areas people should be getting concerned with and not distracted by gun laws or other issues not worthy of debate which may take ones mind away from real issues..
As jobs trend to go offshore and and one has to pass through so many hoops to get into employment , or one is made redundant at an ageof say 55-59 years of age and havent got a high degree or trade thats in demand , then who is going to employ them till they reach 70!!????....
Now i am thinking these areal concerns to be getting involved in personally and the Gov has made a website available for people to voice/ write their concerns ..Do So!!!...
One of several concerns ,