Found this a while ago. Says it all for me:
At the end of the day I love to feel the sensations of fighting a fish through the rod and reel, but many times I go out there is more a sense of getting back to basics to a time when work wasn't the be all and end all of everything like in our daily lives today.
Every trip out in the Tinny gets my stomach tied up in knots from the anticipation and nervous excitement that I experience every time I hit the Bribie Island Road with the boat behind the Ute.
Truth be known I go out whenever I can, and a lot of times that means at whichever state of the Tide, which to a lot of "Purists" would have them shaking their heads. For Me though, it's just an adventure to get out in the boat and take the day as it comes, trying out new ideas or going for a motor to different spots to try different new things. You fulfill those urges to go to new places like the Cockle Banks or 112's, or Bribie Blinker that you had previously only gazed at time and time again in the Beacon to Beacon, then all of a sudden you are finally at these locations and sometimes catching Fish too.
May sound funny to others, but some of these places hold almost a "hallowed" respect from Me, and give a special excitement on that final approach. I think you almost have to pinch yourself sometimes, and look at the bigger picture of how we are to be able to experience the Outdoors and Nature in a way that most of us take for granted, because we, the lucky few, get to experience it on a regular basis.
For Me anyway, catching a Fish is just a bonus, the Cherry on top of the Icing.
i agree with chris 69 its a hunter gatherer mentality that's hard wired into us all. and if your whole family fishes you got no choice but to become a part of the madness.
We'll put Pauly
we won't mention driving the trailer off the ramp and trying to float 2 ton in ankle deep water
pushing the boat off the trailer for the first time ever
no matter what goes wrong on a fishing trip
it's still a great day out with good mates and the bonus of no naggers for miles
Thanks Heaps Fellas for your answers. And its amazing that we all agree on one topic . Such a collection of helpful and compatible opinions are rarely seen anywhere.
And Yes I am enlightened and certainly wont need to ask that question again.
And as an example, The hassles of moving a 2 tonne object stuck somewhere, in our normal working day, would require all types of phone calls,meetings, equipment, OH&S and expenses and possibly take days.
But those of you who replied on here are the type of people that will get a solution happening and also complete in moments. Because although in total darkness and ankle deep mud, we are energised and stimulated by breaking out of (Crunchys' words) our pampered lives. But in this rare part of our lives we are Un-Restrained.
That means brains, muscles, solutions, results. (Stuck? move it. Now.)
Sure, we can get a tow home or a medivac. But nobody is available to help you deal with the other challenges like tangled lines, lost gear and damage, rough water, sunburn, cold, no fish, ones that got away, or you never saw though they were there. Or that empty fish box and accompanying empty fuel tank.
I think that's why we love it and also why I chose to question it.
Sometime soon, some friends of mine wish to go and chuck their cast nets towards the general direction of some prawns.
This activity is not something I would normally participate in.
Happy to buy from the prawn farm near the logan river, but otherwise don't chase or try consume them. Want to know why?
In my opinion every amateur fisherman that purchases and then cooks, shells and eats a prawn is ignorance personified. From the moment that you throw the wastefully nutritious poor old prawns' head towards the garbage bin, you have supported an environmentally destructive fishing industry that not only destroys baby marine life in mass, but also the sea grass, rocks and coral they live in and even the sea-bed that they populate. As well as heaps of other highly popular and juvenile fish, coral and crabs.
What the?
Whan amateur fisherman to stand there at his fishing clubs party and peel prawns while he complains about commercial trawler fishing, whilst supporting said industry, it is frustrating to watch.
Last edited by Shark Poker; 08-03-2014 at 11:52 AM. Reason: edit
The role of the Prawn in our lives has a strange significance.
We can happily live without them. You don't need to eat them. They are kind of like the cockroach of the sea.
They look expensive to buy, yet people wait in line in the sun to do so.
There does not look to be much sport in catching them. Amateurs cast nets in estuaries and pros trawl nets over the seabed for hours. Prawns don't put on any fight, unlike a fish does.
Just typical 'net stuff in this link but it mentions a few points:
Sure, they are great finger-food at a party. But how did they become the corner stone of Christmas day?
My brother has worked in restaurants all his life - he knows about food - and yet if someone isn't bringing prawns (of some type) to a family function he would be horrified. And then he will stand there and actually compliment you on your prawns...
I would appreciate any donation to my new charity SPUP, even if you could spare a $1 it would be a big help
Crunchy, I will happily donate $2 now - that's a dollar for each time your jokes made me laugh over the last year. Plus further dollars if it ever happens again.
On Saturday Afternoon we left Redland Bay to go and help throw nets towards prawns.
We wanted to meet up a group of freinds more than having any individual hunting goals of our own. Which is surely how a Prawn must feel. So we were in the spirit of things.
So after a short cruise down the Canaipa Passage, and after a few half hearted casts we discovered that our designated Net Chucker is an untrained baboon.
I am ok with chucking a 6 foot net for half a dozen livies, that is the extent of my likely contribution. Net Chucker needs help.
Undetered by the realisation that there would be no prawns for dinner, we relocated and delpoyed a spit roast on the beach at Canaipa and proceeded to burn a rather large bit of roadkill. Cow I am pretty sure.
The smell of a fire and cooking travels further than the smell of 2 stroke oil. Late in the afternoon and throughout the evening we met and caught up with many freinds we met thru Ausfish.
1. Humdinger (our Skipper)
2. Mr Nanks
3. DaveNom
4. Captain Seaweed
5. Cobiaman
6. 2DKnBJ (Dazza)
7. Shy Guys
8. Bull
9. Netmaker
10. Fishnchippy
12. The Lump (Macca)
13. Ric - maiden voyage in 7.5m cat
14. Horse - early Sunday morning
Considering the absence of Crunchy it started out as a sombre occasion. Hands on our hips, staring silently down at the sand.
But the absence of characters like Aquholic632 made spirits buoyant and even flowing. Yes Spirits flowed. Wine too.
Sorry I couldn't make it. If I had received an invite I'm sure I would have done my best!
i hope u fellas had a great time!
im just here to give friendly advice to make people better fisherman. If u ever need a hand feel free to give me a pm.
Here's a camping tip for you, newbie.
Mosquitos find you by being attracted to the carbon dioxide that you breath out.
Next time mossies are bothering you, try not breathing for a few minutes.
I am sure in your case there are other smells involved, but try to deal with this one first.
Do u have a problem with me?
im beginning to think u are being sarcastic