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Thread: Love RDO'S

  1. #1

    Love RDO'S

    Morning All ,
    Had an RDO yesterday so the plan was to hit the Pine about 0200 ,to try to hunt for a jewie . Woke up at midnight , bloody rain . Woke up again at 0100 , bloody rain . Woke up again at 0200 , you guessed it , bloody showers . Bugger it , thought I , it was to good an opportunity to miss , I am going .Got to the ramp ( Deepwater Bend ) at about 0230 , one other trailer in the park , and launched the boat .
    Knowing the bannana's were running , went up to the bridges to see if I could score a few for bait in the castnet .Managed to get about a kilo and also some nice herring . Motored up to a likely looking spot , anchored up and set the lines . Not much to report for the next few hours , except 4 bream about 300mm , which went back . Wind started to get up , and a few showers had me thinking about giving it away . Just as I was about to call it , the dead stick out he back went off .Anyway ,to cut a short story , shorter , this one ended up in the boat .
    She went about 70 and weighed 2.3kg gilled and gutted .
    She was caught on a Straddic 4000Fj coupled with an Ugly Stick . Line as 15 pound mono . Bait was a good size live bannana .Click image for larger version. 

Name:	thready 2.jpg 
Views:	0 
Size:	100.1 KB 
ID:	100888
    Thanks for reading ,
    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Thready.jpg 
Views:	0 
Size:	72.6 KB 
ID:	100889  

  2. #2

    Re: Love RDO'S

    Always nice to see those early morning efforts rewarded. Good stuff.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member grinner2's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
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    Re: Love RDO'S

    Persistence pays off, well done mate !

  4. #4

    Re: Love RDO'S

    another good fish from the pine, well done shawn
    Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.

  5. #5

    Re: Love RDO'S

    nice one mate. great fish for the piney

  6. #6

    Re: Love RDO'S

    Thanks for the comments gents .Funny thing is , after spending nearly every day off I have had on the Pine for a couple of years , I got the sh!ts with it and started fishing Somerset . This was the first time I have been down the Pine for ages.

  7. #7

    Re: Love RDO'S

    Enjoy your RDO'S mate after all the slagging off in the media lately. Where do you work, Peter.
    "We gave Howard the Arse now we have to fix Rudd"
    "Now we have to sort Gillard" F@?k me RUDD again
    Abbott and Newman what a great next few years "NOT"

  8. #8

    Re: Love RDO'S

    Quote Originally Posted by BAR UP View Post
    Enjoy your RDO'S mate after all the slagging off in the media lately. Where do you work, Peter.
    Doing a highrise in South Brisbane at the moment Peter,

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