Watch yourselves in regards to razor blades on the rope -
Watch yourselves in regards to razor blades on the rope -
Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.
I was waiting for that comment.. Didn't take long!
Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.
The crabs set the trap in their dwelling
"Originally Posted by TripleWatch yourselves in regards to razor blades on the rope -"
If you class burglars (vermin) falling over a vacuum cleaner you may have set as a mantrap, or maybe the wife just didn't put it away in your dwelling house at night, then they can sue you for their injuries whilst tripping over it in the dark, when they've forced their way in?
Maybe a mantrap's a mantrap and a vacuum cleaner is not deemed as one!
Would a 60kg Rotti Cross in the house be classed as a mantrap I wonder? Would like to see what happened to them when they "tripped" over Him, not to mention the cattle dog backing Him up, She's more feral than he is lol!
Modern society sure has some "Americanised" rules nowadays.
The name of that particular crime is setting a man trap.
The Razor blades? or the 2 Dogs who LIVE in the House? That then classes my House as a mantrap lol!
Just remember no judge will penalize you if self defense is justified...
Nope , wrong boat. Dohles boat ramp. you can`t see it from the highway !
Andrew I would have run the old C#nt straight over. But.... I wouldn`t crab the pine. too many grubs down there. if your pots don`t get stolen/checked/ropes and floats cut off, you get back and your car has been molestered.
anyways when are you coming out for a fish ? might hit the River tomorrow night.