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Thread: Tuesday in the bay

  1. #1

    Tuesday in the bay

    Got savaged by mozzies as I launched at Nudgee at 5:30am. Got out to my usual spot to find no other boats, and it stayed that way all morning which was a rear treat. Overcast skies but great conditions.

    Found the fish on the second drift and within a couple hours had my bag of four ranging from 37 - 49 cm. Bailed back to the ramp not long after, wacked the fillets off the fish and was home by 10:30am.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	100623

  2. #2

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    Nice fish mate. Is that on z-man paddle tails?

  3. #3

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    Yeh I used Zman paddle tail, Zman curly tail and gulp 5" satay. All got fish.

    Don't buy gulps any more just using up my collection. They catch fish but go through them to quickly. Zmans durability is fantasic, I even leave them rigged up between trips and they still catch fish. So much better value for money.

  4. #4

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    I agree with the value for money part! gulps still catch fish, although get hacked up in no time!

  5. #5

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    Love a good rear treat

  6. #6

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    lol was obviously meant to read 'rare' but I guess rear works too

  7. #7

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    Nice! Good to see a post from you mate, it means the boat floats and you have all the road blocks behind you. The gulps are OK if things are quiet - they stink pretty well and make a good dead stick when the current slows. Otherwise I agree with you, ZMans are far better value.


  8. #8

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    Well done mate, looks like you had a great trip.

  9. #9

    Re: Tuesday in the bay

    Nice catch mate......I always reckon being the only boat on the water increases the strike rate.
    Must get out there again its been to long between trips.
    Cheers Brent ><>

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