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Thread: First post, quite excited.

  1. #1

    Talking First post, quite excited.

    New member, long time reader blah blah...

    I'm awaiting approval on finance tomorrow and as soon as I get it I will be ordering a new bar crusher 575ht. Fingers crossed.

    Very exciting times for my family.

    I have applied through YMF but I am also re-financing home loan at same time so may end of using home equity depending of rates etc.

    Haven't found much feedback/owner stories on the actual 575ht model, lots of 610/15's etc. Anyone got a 575ht or c and want to provide some feedback. Must have, hints etc. will be fitted with a suzi 115 4s.

    Will be used for inland lakes (Lake Hume/Buffalo) , rivers and occasional offshore on holidays.

    Didn't want something too big but at the same time capable of smashing a bar crossing with ease.

    Currently quoted with a raymarine a77 - should I upgrade to a78? Also trim tabs, bar crusher say not needed but from what I read on here could be worthwhile. Stress Free winch option - worth it or wait a while? Anything else you can think of.

    Anyway hi all on Ausfish



  2. #2

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Welcome, Will have to post some pics when the deal is all done and dusted.


  3. #3

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Thanks Steeler. Finance ok'd through ymf just waiting on home loan as this is my preferred route. But now have just been offered a very well priced camper that we were enquiring about about as well and this has thrown a spanner in the works. If we go with camper, which swmbo says is must, my budget for new boat is reduced. Ah third world problems. What to do

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    I was saving for a new boat motor when wife says it would be good to do a road trip to take the kids to see the snow and buy a camping trailer for the trip. Don't know your circumstance but buying the trailer was a wise " family" choice where the boat became a garden ornament for a little while longer.


  5. #5

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    a bar crusher for inland lakes, strange??

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member bennykenny's Avatar
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    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scalem View Post
    I was saving for a new boat motor when wife says it would be good to do a road trip to take the kids to see the snow and buy a camping trailer for the trip.

    A camper trailer in the snow. Your a braver man the me Brian.

    ...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.

  7. #7

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    trim tabs are a must on the barcrushers.. unless you always want to make sure the weight is even on each side..
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  8. #8

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    I've done the camper trailer in the snow thing. I left the milk out and it froze. The water in the tank froze. It was soooooo cold!
    This was in the middle of November in 2006 at 3 Mile Dam in the snowies.
    Shivering just thinking about it.

  9. #9

    Re: First post, quite excited.

  10. #10

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Just my personal thoughts, but if I was borrowing off my home loan for a boat I definitely wouldnt be buying brand new.
    And doubly so if it was a first boat that is bound to get a few battle scars
    Back it out of the dealers yard and 25% is gone but you still have to pay it back. With interest.
    Save yourself $10-$20K getting a used one and still buy a camper?

  11. #11

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Hi fisho64, yep all true - 2nd hand makes perfect sense - for both boat and camper.

    Hi Hainsofast, my take is better a boat that will do lakes, rivers and offshore than a boat that can only do one but not the other.

    Thanks everyone for your replies. Hopefully I'll find a boat and camper that fits into our budget and lifestyle and be able to post pics up here when that happens.

  12. #12

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    just buy a haines mate

  13. #13

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Quote Originally Posted by bennykenny View Post
    A camper trailer in the snow. Your a braver man the me Brian.
    Haha, well actually when we got to perisher we kept the camper trailer in the carpark and hired an on site cabin The Camper paid for itself to and from the snow, stopping at Dubbo on the way down ( a few other places I can't remember but I was just the driver), Newcastle, South west rocks, Yamba on the way back.


  14. #14

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Hi mate what is the hull rated to HP? The 115 will do the job but at 5.75m imo the 140/150 hp would be a better match. you'll love Suzuki.

    Good luck and enjoy,


  15. #15

    Re: First post, quite excited.

    Hey mate, what rate were you quoted through YMF? I am an external broker with a YMF accreditation and will do you a ripper deal that shouldn't be too far off what your home loan is anyway... My advise would be to never tuck a depreciating asset into a home loan. Just doesn't add up mate when you work out the compounding effect the additional funds apply.

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