I have had a leak in the yak for about six months that progressively got worse to the point that after about 3 hours of paddling I ended up with about 20-30 litres of water in it. Tony (Tunaticer) and I had a shot at finding it before xmas and thought we had found it after pulling the rudder apart. Alas it wasn't the problem. The leak was found to be coming from a small split in the seat scupper so after a bit of plastic welding and some goey stuff all was resolved.
Tony suggested we hit the Pine for a quick afternoon flick and see if we could rustle up dinner. I was down with that as i had eaten all I caught the day before ;-D. We headed up into the South Pine and things certainly looked fishy with a great deal of bait being seen both on the surface as well as filling the screen of the sounder. Within the first ten minutes Tony was on and up came his dinner with a solid 60 something flat one. It had taken his new you beaut proper flash lure that I will let him name cos I cant remember for the life of me.
We continued moving about on the leccy for not another touch so we moved up into the northern part of the pine. Once again the was a multitude of bait schools. Herring, mullet and jelly prawns abounded! We also sounded up what we believe were schools of bream. It was a very healthy looking waterway thats for sure. There must have been too much food on offer because we could raise a scale for the next two hours with only a bump here and there to keep us interested. We headed back down into the south Pine as we made our way back to the boat ramp and I came upon a nice flatty myself so it was fresh fish all round!! Mine would have gone in the high 50's.
It was caught on a new weedless set up Tony had been working on. I had been using his rod loaded up with 6lb Tas Line. This stuff is amazingly light and fine. I will definitely be ordering some real soon.
Now its back to the grind for another week! Have a good one all.