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Thread: First Reef fishing trip

  1. #1

    First Reef fishing trip

    So i'm pretty new to this fishing game, just been fishing the Noosa river for the past few months and have since upgraded my boat so i'm looking to get out and do a bit of fishing at the closer reefs.
    My question is what line i should be using, and weather i should be using long shank hooks or just a stronger leader?
    wont be targeting anything to big mostly just fishing the bottom to see what comes up.

  2. #2

    Re: First Reef fishing trip

    you should also do a bit of mackeral trolling up there, used to get them in laguna bay at times, and headlands

    used to catch scat near sharknets to use as bait

  3. #3

    Re: First Reef fishing trip

    What line and what rig will depend on the type of fish you plan to chase or what type of Fish a more prolific in that area..Do you prefer Rod n reel ??, overhead or Spin gear??, you want to give the Fish a sporting chance or up n at em n into the icebox...You prefer using bait , Rubbers , lures etc???..

  4. #4

    Re: First Reef fishing trip

    rod and reel, currently spin gear but it could change in the next few weeks depending on what goes on sale. will be using bait and maybe drop a live or two as when when we pull them up. for the first trip out looking to get a few in the ice box really, gotta have something to show for the efforts.

  5. #5

    Re: First Reef fishing trip

    jump on a local fishing charter first and have a look at what they use it will give you some pointers before you spend a fortune on gear that may of no use.
    A bad day fishing, beats any day at work

  6. #6

    Re: First Reef fishing trip

    ive got some 40lb line with some 70 to use a leader. hopefullt this should do the job.

  7. #7

    Re: First Reef fishing trip

    alba gave a good bit of advice for someone to get a feel of things and how some fish in their local area ey. Otherwise ide go with some 30lb mono?? depending on the rod n reel weight class along with maybe some 60lb leader..
    Some ganged hookswith some pillies to feed onto them.
    Some cuttly or squid onto a maybe 6/0 paternoster rig to try suss out whats chewing on the bottom or maybe a small running sinker right up to your(a single hook) hook and let it sink ever so gently to thebottom looking for fish on its way down ..
    Take soime lures along with you incase you come across some surface feeding fish on your way out, Other than that?? you have to suss it n see ey..

  8. #8

    Re: First Reef fishing trip

    well since the courier company transporting my outboard are taking the piss and its going to be another week or so before i get out there on my own i have taken the advice and will be heading out for a half day charter to get the feel of things. hopefully get a feed out of it too.

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