Thanks Fed and Bigjimg... you may be right. As I indicated somewhere previously, I have seen several Haines boats on here with the transducers mounted about half way down the slope .. my slope is curved a bit more so it may not translate correctly and I must recognise, the boats were a bigger models to mine. I have had the Signature out to sea today and the results I obtained were similar to those from the river test. There is about half an inch still left below the current bracket location so I am going to see my boat shop about drilling some more holes and moving the transducer down another half an inch before actually trying to relocate the whole device. Conditions were not real favourable for a good test today but the unit provided all that I asked of it so that made me feel pretty happy with it. Try as I might, I could not make it lose the depth facility that used to drive me bonkers. So its onwards ever onwards to get the best result I can.
( and , importantly, knowing it when I see it !!)