This design was shown to me many years ago by Ron Poole , who i consider to be one of the best rod builders i have had the privilege to meet
Daintree boy was interested in how they are made
It really is a simple buttwrap, it starts out as a regular crosswrap layout, best wrapped square or slightly compressed
It is at home on both small and large diameter blanks.
The photos i have attached are a small to medium baitcaster so i have used 3 threads.
First photo is the standard layout, 3threads wide
Second step is to lay 3 more threads adjacent to the original layout , leaving enough space to fit 3 threads in later
Then repeat as many times as yo want , depending on blank size and personal choice
The gaps between the threads are not critical as it is a very easy pattern to tighten as you go
Once you are happy with the base threads you just bind over it , filling the gaps that were left and enclose in a diamond