Has anyone got some general info on whether the crabs are out and about up the Caloundra, bells creek end of the passage? Chasing both muddies and sandies.
Not after any spot X, chances are it'd be my spot A B and C anyway.
Has anyone got some general info on whether the crabs are out and about up the Caloundra, bells creek end of the passage? Chasing both muddies and sandies.
Not after any spot X, chances are it'd be my spot A B and C anyway.
Dave, a few sandies about and the odd muddie if you can get into some of the really tight spots. Sandies usually on the new moon here and muddies on the full.
Thanx mate, appreciate it. Haven't been crabbing there for years but may post a report when i'm back
I put2 pots out for 5 hours sunday between Toorbul and donnybrook for zero crabs, same as last trip.
Dave, did a check this afternoon on the pots and the large jennie muddies are on the move, the bucks will follow in a week or so, I didn't put any where I could get sandies so can't tell you about them other than a few were being caught a couple of days ago. I had a mate who tried down Bribie way a week ago but he had no luck then.
Full moon 15 Feb.....bigger tides....that's when.
Gotta Love Maroochydore.
For muddies, but sandies up here seem to follow 2 weeks after