A few more bream......
And then a few of the boats that went up at Versace last night..
A few more bream......
And then a few of the boats that went up at Versace last night..
Well done Wayne You're on fire!
No Pun Intended :-)
bloody hell wayno. i need to move to the coast! well done mate
was that you on the radio who was interviewed and raced over in your tinny??
yer I got it.....I didn't refresh and missed your edit of your post...
Nice work Wayno.
I suppose your going to tell us thats one way to flush the little buggers out. You might have been watching to many aboriginal hunting shows
Ummmm dont look like bream to me...bet they got bigger teeth as well LOL.
Gotta Love Maroochydore.
yeah ;looks like they got a bit burnt in the fire...
Wayno the jack slayer!! Thats a few now mate.. Im goin to give one of my spots i haven't fished in 3 years a crack on sat night.. My mate got one last week at 65.5!! hopefully i catch it again and its got to 65.6 just to annoy him lol
yer very funny Darren Hinchbooomtish!!!