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fishing from boat ramp jetties - Page 3
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Thread: fishing from boat ramp jetties

  1. #31

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    I have a very similar thing at my local ramp, especially late in the afternoon or night, it is a VERY popular Squid fishing spot, and coming into the jetty is a sea of light sticks attached to floats, and a dozen people all casting squid jigs, almost NONE of them will wind in for a boat, (they are fishing off the ramp and jetty) and there has been hundreds of altercations between fishermen and boat owners, now lets be 100% fair, there is no sign that says "no fishing" so... does that make it fair game for one and all (boaters and fisherman alike?) or does the boater have some sort of "right of way"? I know I have tangled up Squid jigs hundreds of times, and sometimes multiple jigs during a single retrieval.

  2. #32

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Noelm since you have more squid jigs than you could possibly use I can take some off your hands. It all boils down to "common sense" but I have noticed that either/both "common" and "sense" are often missing from the equation. I am a boatie but also use pontoons and ramps at times for cast netting (it is amazing the fish that are actually on the ramps at night) but always I am aware of boats coming and going, will help hold boats, even getting them onto their trailers and will always clean up after each throw of the net as I am fully aware of the issues surrounding this issue.

    These days there seems to be an element that just don't care about anyone else which is scary so a lot of comments on this thread mean zilch to them whether they are valid or not, lack of any enforcement of any rules usually results in more of the same behaviour. I was talking to the Fisheries guys at Mooloolaba who used to have 6 staff and were due to have it increased by 1, but 2 left and as the 4 remaining staff picked up the slack the govt decided that they no longer needed to keep the level at 7 ( 6 +1) and have left it at 4. What chance have they got in policing the waterways and all the different rules and regulations.

    My rant for the morning, now if someone could please turn off the fan.

  3. #33

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Dignity, I have plenty of squid jigs, I reckon if you left now, you could be at my place by around midnight, I will just leave a bag of them on the front veranda for you!!! I do agree with you though, who exactly is going to Police such a minor (in the big scheme of things) infringement? I guess unless it does come to blows at sometime, it will just be a case of "them and us"

  4. #34

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Dignity, I have plenty of squid jigs, I reckon if you left now, you could be at my place by around midnight, I will just leave a bag of them on the front veranda for you!!! I do agree with you though, who exactly is going to Police such a minor (in the big scheme of things) infringement? I guess unless it does come to blows at sometime, it will just be a case of "them and us"
    Maybe it will take it to coming to blows, but maybe as they old saying goes "The squeeky wheel gets the oil". If enough people constantly ring the council or police maybe some thing will get done. Maybe the council has a duty of care once it is reported that it may, or has already nearly come to blows, to do something about it before it comes to blows. As you say though "in the big scheme of things" A bit of common sense though and there would not be a problem.

    The only problem with common sense, is that sense isn't common.

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

  5. #35

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    And maybe that's all it would take - a few phone calls or emails

    Who's job is it to police no fishing on pontoons ?

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  6. #36

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Dignity, I have plenty of squid jigs, I reckon if you left now, you could be at my place by around midnight, I will just leave a bag of them on the front veranda for you!!! I do agree with you though, who exactly is going to Police such a minor (in the big scheme of things) infringement? I guess unless it does come to blows at sometime, it will just be a case of "them and us"
    Noelem, I had thought of sending you a self addressed package but after a recent exercise I found that the postage would cost more than the article and now Australia Post wants to reduce services or charge extra, what an absolute laugh, they even had the gall to say that it was only a survey which is not really correct as they only gave two choices 1. reduce services, 2 pay extra. I checked on postage costs from other countries to Australia and found them to be half or less than Australian costs. Ooops right rant wrong thread.

    Better keep the jigs for another time.

  7. #37

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Under Queensland law Cast Netting is classified as fishing Chris, so there is not a new law required, just an old law that needs to be enforced.

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  8. #38

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Hey you guys,
    do we really need more rules and regulations. What you are asking for is another of the main thing we all hate, bureaucracy and the policing of it, not to mention the funding of it. We probably could have more inspectors, police and rules but I for one sure as hell don't. As it is now, it takes a briefcase full of rules and regulations to know if you are within your bag limit, in the right or wrong spot, have the right number of lifejackets and, and ,and

    personally I have given up it is all so complicated. I try to do the right thing, but where I used to get all upset when i got it wrong, I just cop it sweet and hope that it will be a fair while till the next time I get a ticket.
    Fishing is about relaxing and enjoying our beautiful waterways, and if you think about it, there are not very many places that people can fish from on the shore.

    My vote is for less rules, more understanding and consideration and finally more beer to drown out the memory, after a wally leaves his line in the water and you get the job of cutting it out from the prop.

  9. #39

    Angry Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Soo it seems that pontoons are "exclusive-use" for boaties.....BS
    ....and sunken-boats are "exclusive-use" for divers.....BS

    what a fkn "don't walk-on-the-grass ,read-the-sign" fkd world RecFishos have to live-in.... JMO !!!

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member bigjimg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Moorooka, Brisbane.

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    The pontoon at Whyte Island is left in a disgraceful mess once the cast netters have been on it. No attempt to wash down, weed and mud, rocks and by catch left to bake in the sun. The Port did not have to install a pontoon
    but decided it was of benefit.
    I have no problem with any land based user fishing from it, but for Christ sake clean up your mess and leave in a clean state.
    I've inspected and found hooks discarded at times, imagine you child hopping out the boat to receive a hook in the foot, nice.
    There are some real pigs out there and we all get tarred with the one brush. Jim.
    Haines Signature "FinaLeigh" 580F 135 Optimax
    CH 81 & 72 VHF

  11. #41

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    Quote Originally Posted by bigjimg View Post
    The pontoon at Whyte Island is left in a disgraceful mess once the cast netters have been on it. No attempt to wash down, weed and mud, rocks and by catch left to bake in the sun. The Port did not have to install a pontoon
    but decided it was of benefit.
    I have no problem with any land based user fishing from it, but for Christ sake clean up your mess and leave in a clean state.
    I've inspected and found hooks discarded at times, imagine you child hopping out the boat to receive a hook in the foot, nice.
    There are some real pigs out there and we all get tarred with the one brush. Jim.

    Yes bigjimg it is the few that spoil it for the rest as always is the case ey..

  12. #42
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    you should try the harbour town pontoon in noosa, pretty much impossible to get in or out of there on a weekend without gaining a few meters of line on the prop.

  13. #43

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    It's all nice to talk about sharing & people doing the right thing ....... the trouble is they don't - and it's not one or two .... it's much bigger than that. So if people are not going to abide by the rules ..... hit em up & enforce the rules.

    These pontoons are installed to make it easier for boaties to handle their boats & passengers - that's why there are signs saying "no fishing"

    I wonder how shore based fishoes would feel if boaties tied their boats off on the fishing platforms .

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  14. #44

    Re: fishing from boat ramp jetties

    There is only one answer...

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