Hi how are you? I'm just wondering what bait people put in bait traps for saltwater prawns? Was going to try fish but thought mud crabs may rip it open. Was thinking of bread and maybe a handful of dry dog food. Thanks guys.
Hi how are you? I'm just wondering what bait people put in bait traps for saltwater prawns? Was going to try fish but thought mud crabs may rip it open. Was thinking of bread and maybe a handful of dry dog food. Thanks guys.
I have never heard of any one using a trap for prawns. Would you use a Cathedral type trap?
Without checking....is there a limit on how many " prawn traps" one can use. So if it was 4, could one have 4 crab pots and 4 prawn pots in the water at the same time?
Very intersted in the replies to his thread.
Gotta Love Maroochydore.
line the bottom few inches of a crab pot with shade cloth and you can catch crabs and prawns at the same time.
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
I've just got a collapse able bait trap. Fine mesh with little funnels at each end. I put a crab pot in this little creek and when I pulled it up saw loads of prawns jumping. Will try bread and dog pellets tomorrow. Netmaker that's a pretty good idea. Will try it. Have you done it/had any luck with it?
Ok thanks netmaker
Just so you know,
QLD Fisheries regulation 2008 - tidal waters -
187 Prohibition of use of particular traps
A recreational fisher must not use a canister trap, funnel trap or a round trap.
Opera house pots and the rectangle mesh bait pots are classed as funnel traps.
Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.
some use bacon fat as bait
Now yourve gone n stirred up burried memories of long nights lasting till the break of dawn dillying for Banana Prawns off Aukland Point Wharfe many Moons ago .
What we used to use as bait and a favourite because it was easy to buy was Kangaroo meat tied on a piece of string some three inches apart and each piece of meat roughly two inch cubes.
Have seen people using bacon bones and a real favourite was shark meat.
Have seen some very clever people make some real interesting traps of all types and each worked well in catching their fare share of Prawns.
There was also favourite possies for lowering your dilly and one would have to get there quite early in the arvo to stake their claim lol.
I still have heavy weighted cast nets especially made for casting off the wharfes and casting at special spots when the prawns run at their peak times.
Would raise the dillies at ten minute intervals with a staedy hand making sure not to shake the cordline n spook the prawns out of the dilly, and coulnt you feel them!!! If you did so.
Not sure where you plan to set your prawn traps n if the prawns run heavy there or not but do some research before incase you end up wasting your time.
For us in the good ole days it was no feat to end up with 5-10 kilo of Bananaries in a night
Gone are those days now as gone are the dillying possies except few which i find arent worth
Shyte mate got carried away answering your query so appologise for that lol n hope ive answered your question..
Thanks for the reply guys. Will give the bacon fat and bones a go.
The Rainbowrunner
Peter Hansler
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Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.
Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species
Well i wouldnt be surprised lol, and how many out there remember the ole "Whacko Stick" ???, Big banarie on the end of the line , tie the whack stick down while your checking your dillies and come back to find a salmon straining to rid itself of the hook lol. Other times ive come back to find the whacko stick floating around beside the wharfe and with its movement know that theres a fish on the end of it..
Kids used to sleep in the back of the ole station wagon after having a ball running around with other kids their age in the vicinity, YEP good ole days fer sure..