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Thread: Straddie fires and camping areas

  1. #1

    Straddie fires and camping areas

    Hi everyone. Just wondering if anyone can tell me how the Main beach camping areas down towards the barway fared in the fires.


  2. #2

    Re: Straddie fires and camping areas

    Hi again. Hold the phone. In the heat of the moment it didn't occur to me to pick up said phone (Doh). The fire only went as far south as track 3. However Main beach is closed at the moment and it will be up to the police and fire and rescue when it opens again.

    Thanks to Straddie camping for the info.

  3. #3

    Re: Straddie fires and camping areas


    Heard on the news this evening that all campgrounds are open again from 0800 tomorrow, may be best to check relevant websites or call the camp/ranger office over there to confirm.

    For all your MARINE DETAILING needs

  4. #4

    Re: Straddie fires and camping areas

    and the power is finally back on for the rest of the island after the storms (consistently this time, yay!), courtesy of the ridiculous generators

    Cheers, PP

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