I checked Seabreeze, it told me winds of 10 knots or less. It also told me they would be East to South East. Wave height was 3' to 4' which didn't seem excessive. High tide at 8.32am. Sounded like a nice day.
Yet when I crossed Moreton Bay from Scarborough at 5am it was choppy as all get out. It wasn't too breezy but boy was it lumpy (for my tinny). I thought the island would have offered some protection but even in behind the wrecks it wasn't glassy like it has been other times. Even the dolphins were riding the waves in the middle of the bay!
What should I have been looking at? What causes the chop to be like that? There were very few boats out there with me so obviously I missed the memo. I also think I've put my son off coming out again.