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Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.
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Thread: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

  1. #1

    Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Well, I found Hummy traveling along the Logan Motorway, called him on the UHF and he asks " where are you ".... " I am................. passing you ", was my response as I slipped by the big tinnie.

    I arrived the the Day Visitor area to find the gates open.......... 5.15am ?? I was only the second person there. So head down to prime spot. Brett and Tania arrive shortly afterwards. Pergolas erected, BBQ set, tables and chairs positioned. Time to launch !

    We took advantage of the calm conditions to blast some fresh water through the engines of Humdinger and my jet ski. Others arrived soon as I was off for a crack at the knee board..... reasonable results and then onto the tube... all good.

    Few others turning up and Brett has the spit roast cranking. Pauly and Dave show up and all settling in for a good day. Hummy was the first to troll up a good one....... found a ski boat in distress, so a tow job back to land was in order.

    With lunch served up, spit roast and salad and fried onions on a bun, the world was a good place to be in. Netmaker delivered the hot jerky around.

    Fatbuoy ended up sucking a red claw trap into the intake of the ski... still there as I type.

    Not too sure what to make of Bretts drinking habits, but every pic tells a story. Another successful event with no major damage to persons.

    cheers LP
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    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  2. #2

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    But Officer I only drank one can!!!!!!!!

    The Spit Roast looks good
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  3. #3

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Brisbane-20131228-00844.jpg Yes I have installed someone's' redclaw pot into the jet intake. At least I can say that I caught something. Thanks for a great day Humdinger, also Netmaker for making the trip with me. And an especially big Thanks to Lucky Phill for diving off Humdingers boat and untangling me from the tow ropes!
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  4. #4

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Can't go redneck'n without a redneck drink
    great day out redneck relaxing good to meet fatbuoy Phil's photos tell the story and I'll try to get some footage off the gopro
    never got to see netmakers stunt show this year . only the future son in law got bruised . And it has been suggested to him that he wears undies next time
    as always with these m&gs was just a great day out

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    hahahaha. another great day out with great people. good to meet pauly (thanks for the drunks bus mate) and also discover that lucky phill has siblings. who would have thought he wasn't an only child? thanks pauly for my first jet ski ride - you have convinced me that a tinny in the bay is considerably safer than a jet ski lol! i was mildly concerned campbell was going to roll up with the cops and take away hummys family as there were more than 3 of them and i am convinced they have links to an illegal bikie tattoo parlor - there was enough ink there to print a dictionary...
    well done on the spit roast hummy, it went down a treat. as usual it was impossible to have a crap time with such quality people...
    where to next?
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  6. #6

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Just gone through the go pro footage
    where the camera goes for fishing is not a good spot for rednecking
    cant even see the tube . My bad

  7. #7

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Let's hope pauly has some vision / pics
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  8. #8

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    PICT0029 (2).jpgPICT0030.jpgPICT0035.jpgPICT0036 (2).jpg Am working on the video, just finding cows on the shore with trees so far.
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    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
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    Apr 2008

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    should have added I feel terrible about missing the clean up. here's all you good people tidying up while pauly and I were out frolicking on the lake...
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  10. #10

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    I have removed the little bugger that was restricting the water flow from the tell tail of my ski ........

    Must have sucked it up early in the day

    pic attached...
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    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member netmaker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    how did you get 5c stuck in your tell tail?
    fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!

  12. #12

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Could have been at least a dollar

  13. #13

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    I told you guys to leave the humour to a professional, like me ><>
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  14. #14

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Was that another attempt at it

  15. #15

    Re: Lake Somerset M & G Round Up.

    Brisbane-20131229-00845 (2).jpgGreat that you found it Phill, but do you really call that a blockage? Look what I had to clear out!I put some photos of the event on my Facebook page, and those photos of the event drew favourable comments from one of my cousins in Virginia, USA . They are Genuine Rednecks (rocking chairs on porches, confederate flags, guns, real moonshine) like you would not believe. That is VERY positive feedback for Humdinger and his 'Redneck Theme' for the day. Nailed it!
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

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