where are the ausfish fish id police in this thread? or did i miss it somewhere ..
Dad reckons fishing is 10% brains and 95% muscle, the rest is just good luck.
Make good livebait for everything from barra to sailfish. Haha
Yeah I will be chasing them for troll baits for spaniards... They swim well!
Nice catch! The fight like a raging bull and most throw the hooks.
The question has to be asked though, if you had no idea what the fish was, why did you keep it? Without being able to identify it, you had no idea what the legal size limit was, whether or not it was a 'no take' species or if it had a closed season curfew in effect.
When I asked what it was from various people it was still alive and in my keep net. I was just trying to make sure it was legal and edible. I am not saying what I thought it was because now I will look stupid. It met all the legal requirements for the species I thought it was but then when I looked it up on the Internet I found that I was wrong and by then it was dead.
I caught four more of them this morning and the last one was attacked by a shark just as it reached my kayak. The shark missed...
Only good for crab or troll baits......I can not see why this thread went so long.
Tarpon are a nothing fish, not overly difficult to catch using the right lures, they waste a great deal of time when the show at your target area after something decent and they are stupid enough to let themselves get recaught again within minutes.
You just made it longer
But, you are right - even the shark was not really very interested...