Re: Mount Position of Lowrance Point-1 10 Hz Antenna
how important is it to align a point 1 gps antenna with a lss-2 transducer - when used with the hds12t?
i read on this forum and elsewhere that it is important to make sure there is no (or very minimal) vertical misalignment between these 2 devices to ensure optimal accuracy in marking waypoints.
i am thinking of mounting my new point 1 antenna in line with my new lss-2 ducer.
the photo shows the point 1 antenna sitting next to and portside of my 2013 60hp yamaha outboard - which is directly above the lss-2 ducer (mounted on transom - portside).
is it ok to mount this point-1 antenna in this position and not have any issues affecting accuracy of gps signal (such as electro-magnetic interference, etc.)?
Re: Mount Position of Lowrance Point-1 10 Hz Antenna
I've been pondering the same question myself, planning an upgrading in the new year, would have thought your better off on the back gunnel's so you have a clear view of the satellites. I don't believe there would be enough interference to affect your GPS rather the compass, if your doing live structure scan mapping then more accurate your heading the better your images mosaic.