Just spent the last couple of hours ringing Garmin and waiting on an email from a Marlon over in the Philippines. First off i could not hear him because it’s a bloody call centre, and you have 50 other conversations going on in the bloody background!
I had to explain the situation to him which lead to more information wanted.
He asked for my email address of which i had to give it to him 4 times, only for him to put me on hold for him to check if Garmin received my email which was sent to au.service@garmin.com on the 17th December. He then told me that no email was received from my email address (funny it’s in my sent items, and didn’t bounce back) but then informed me upon my querying that he had checked my email spelling with a y instead of an i, so again I'm put on hold for a similar result, in no received email from Garmin’s side.
So then i get asked to re-send the email to which i respond I've already sent it twice to Garmin, at which point i ask if he can supply another email address as well, to which he did. I then asked if he was ok with responding to the email straight away due to the problems encountered previously and he said he would respond with-in 5 minutes of receiving.
Marlon said he would respond and also add the case number in his reply, however old Marlon didn’t respond, so after an hour I'm back on the phone and get a Katrina this time. I asked to speak to Marlon after informing her of what he was going to do, but she said he was on another call and then put me on hold AGAIN!
Anyway when she gets back she gives me the, “it’s gone to a level 2 support for escalation”, so obviously Marlon didn’t want to talk to me. Then Katrina advises me that there are only 2 marine specialists in all of Australia that can deal with my problem, and then we play volleyball with her trying to relay on the case number back and forth, back and forth!
All this bullshit to try and talk to someone in Australia!
I don’t care if Garmin is the best most fantastic product in the world, this type of service is a joke, and i won’t be lining up to purchase another Garmin!