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Thread: Light surf blank recommendations

  1. #1

    Light surf blank recommendations

    Morning all,

    looking to replace all my surf gear (lent it out.... Idiot).

    ill replace the bigger rods later in the year but need to replace my mag bream. I want to go two piece this time, and the Snyder two pieces just don't cut it. I played around with a Gary Howard surf special the other day and noticed the join in those rods is much smaller and doesn't seem to effect rod action at all (although I think the tip on these might be a little too light)

    It'll be built with Fuji hardloy guides and rope handle. Looking for something to chase whiting, dart and bream in the surf that can also handle to occasional tailor, probably 4-6 kilo to be paired with a 600 alvey (bcvrr most likely).

    Any thoughts on blanks in this category would be much appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    You could try the CTS S8. One of the best there is.

  3. #3

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Quote Originally Posted by BARICK View Post
    You could try the CTS S8. One of the best there is.
    Thanks mate, sadly the budget won't cover it!

  4. #4

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    so , as a start what is your budget?

  5. #5

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Thanks for your help guys, sorting through all the options is nightmarish. (I also want to build a rod for Jew in the next few months and a tailor rod as well before winter..... Sooooo much reading!)

    The budget is $250 - $300, I'm using hardloy guides so have allowed $100 for guides, seat, epoxy and grip.

    looking at around $200 for the blank. If I can do it cheaper great, but I will have this rod for many years and want something that will do the job well.

  6. #6

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Ok, so I'm thinking live fibre high modulus for all three rods (z400 10x for Jew, zsu4160/2 for tailor, will be chasing opinions on these at a later date)

    For the small stuff am looking at the zcr4126 or a zmt4126 but don't know much about them to be honest (am unsure what the 'cr' denotes)

    guide wise I'm looking at using a hvlg 40hh for the stripper, bplt 10 for the tip and a 30, 20, 16, 12 , 10 svlg for the remaining runners. I might not use them all but want them all there so I can do some taping / casting to get everything perfect. Any left overs can most likely be used on the bigger rods later on.

    Any and all comments / criticism welcome!

  7. #7

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Where are you located? If in Brissie i could show you an assortment eg; Snyder 4 wrap bent tip, white tip mag bream plus some high quality 12 ft blanks.40 hh in silicons and so cermets if you want.I normally have hard to get gear laying around.

  8. #8

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Any glass blank will be heavy, no matter ho little the wraps are. If you want grunt, cast-ability, power, then you need a composite blank. Glass blanks will always have thicker chunkier joins, just the nature of the material. Composites can have far less wraps due the strength of the carbon cloth. Excell composites make some nice surf blanks.


  9. #9

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Quote Originally Posted by grave41 View Post
    Where are you located? If in Brissie i could show you an assortment eg; Snyder 4 wrap bent tip, white tip mag bream plus some high quality 12 ft blanks.40 hh in silicons and so cermets if you want.I normally have hard to get gear laying around.
    Just up at bracken ridge. Actually getting my hands on some blanks would be unreal (and much appreciated (

  10. #10

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart View Post
    Any glass blank will be heavy, no matter ho little the wraps are. bility, power, then you need a composite blank. Glass blanks will always have thicker chunkier joins, just the nature of the material. Composites can have far less wraps due the strength of the carbon cloth. Excell composites make some nice surf blanks.

    Thanks Stuart,

    The snyder mags are composites, but the binding around the ferrules runs for a good 15 cm and is chunky as hell. most other rods in the same class (even right up to a gary howard bulldog) have much slimmer ferrule bindings.

  11. #11

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    The feral on the snyder blanks while strong, are a shit design. I tried to get them to change to a much slimier design but he just didn't have mush, if any confidence in carbon.
    I suggested the Excel comp blanks because for the price your working with, you would get a good blank that would fit most of what your after. Any in the FSU-G range would be good.


  12. #12

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Thanks Stu,

    I have looked at them and even been told these are the blanks used in the gary howard greenback and bulldog (both great rods). Cant seem to find any longer than 144 (for the bigger rods).

    May I ask which models you would look at for different surf applications ie. Dart, tailor, jew?

    Your help is very much appreciated!

  13. #13

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    They make two parallel sections, 3ft and 5ft to extend them out if you like. I used to use the extensions all the time for rock fisherman.

  14. #14

    Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart View Post
    They make two parallel sections, 3ft and 5ft to extend them out
    You sir. Are a ninja.

  15. #15

    Angry Re: Light surf blank recommendations

    Edit: double post

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