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Go native when gifting fish this Christmas
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Thread: Go native when gifting fish this Christmas

  1. #1

    Go native when gifting fish this Christmas

    Queensland Government
    Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

    12 December 2013
    Go native when gifting fish this Christmas

    If you are thinking of buying someone a fish for Christmas this year, make sure it is a native species to protect Queensland’s fisheries.

    Fisheries Queensland officer Danielle Knutsen said native fish were a great gift choice as they are not only as attractive and interesting as exotic fish, but are also more environmentally friendly.

    “Using fish that are native to the local area to decorate ponds or aquariums reduces the risks associated with pest fish escaping or being released into the wild,” Ms Knutsen said.

    “Exotic fish that are introduced into our streams and waterways can have disastrous consequences on native fish populations.

    "Pet, ornamental and bait fish can all too easily turn into pests when released into our waterways. A few non-native fish can become thousands in the wild and may compete aggressively with native fish for food and space, degrade habitat, and introduce exotic diseases and parasites.”

    Ms Knutsen said heavy penalties of up to $220,000 apply to anyone convicted of releasing non-native or noxious fish into Queensland's waterways.

    “If you receive an unwanted fish this Christmas, remember that pet fish should never be released into dams and creeks or flushed down the toilet,” Ms Knutsen said.

    “Unwanted fish should be disposed by putting them in an ice slurry to humanely kill them.

    “Alternatively, you may be able to give them back to the shop where they were purchased from or give them to someone who is interested in taking them.”

    For more information on Queensland native fish, visit or call 13 25 23.

    Follow Fisheries Queensland on Facebook and Twitter (@FisheriesQld).

    Media: Jodana Anglesey, 3087 8601

  2. #2

    Re: Go native when gifting fish this Christmas

    Yet fish like Rainbow and Brown Trout are actively stocked, have bag and size limits and can be released. What a joke!

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member ifishcq1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Go native when gifting fish this Christmas

    Morphias, chill out
    before you carry on, why is it a joke?
    I don't see any other state mentioned, so who stocks trout in Queensland?
    certainly not legally done ever

    Daff supply permits and only support native species stocking
    "It is an offence to stock your dams or streams with fish that do not occur naturally in your area, or fish that have not been stocked regularly in your area as part of a fish stocking program, unless you have a permit to do so.You also require a general fisheries permit to stock fish into public waters".

    look at the types of exotic aqaurium fish that people buy cichlids,tilapia etc which are very invasive species
    I don't think trout don't pose the same threats in our warmer waters


  4. #4

    Re: Go native when gifting fish this Christmas


    I see your point and will clarify.

    I do agree with most of the points in the post and keeping fish that are native to the local area does reduce the risk to the local environment in the event of a pond overflowing...or does it?

    I'm an active and avid collector and keeper of native Australian fish. No fish kept in a pond or aquarium should ever go into a local waterway, even if it was originally collected from the local waterway. There is too much risk of introducing disease and parasites.

    There is a huge misconception that trout do not pose as much of a threat as other introduced species. This is just plain wrong.

    Whilst trout are not actively stocked in QLD, there are couple of very small populations that were created illegally by civilians. You are correct in saying that our warmer client prevents their spread, but in these locations we will never be able to get rid of them. That said, our forum is not limited to QLDers. NSW, VIC, TAS and SA all actively pollute our waterways with these vermin.

    Where QLD DAFF get it wrong is letting local environmental and enthusiast groups, who think they are doing the right thing and are doing what they do for the right reason; stock local waterways with native fish that are not native to those waterways. For example: Every creek, stream and river in Australia has it's own unique colour morph of Rainbowfish. Whilst two creeks separated by only a hundred metres (or even one flowing into the other) may have the same species of Rainbowfish in them, the colours and patterns on the fish will be different and will not be found in any creek anywhere else in the country. A saltwater example is a bald chin groper and a venus tusk fish - same fish, but the former one has a white chin and is found in different parts of the country to the latter.

    If fish from a different creek are introduced, they will crossbreed and the 'native' colour morph will be lost forever. This is not limited to Rainbowfish. Introducing other indigenous fish that are not actually native to the area is just as disastrous for the bio-diversity as introducing non-indigenous fish. Red-claw crayfish are native in many areas in QLD, but are NOT native in NSW and have had a significant impact on local native species.

    I hope that expands a bit on my POV.


  5. #5

    Re: Go native when gifting fish this Christmas

    I have been told that many years ago while tin mining was in full sway in the Atherton Tablelands some one introduced Yellow Belly and Murray cod to the upper reaches of the Walsh River. Apparently they reproduced until a very severe winter when most stocks were killed. Just recently my wife and I trapped some little sword tail fish for her aquarium in Brisbane. After letting them go because I didn't recognise the variety I found from the internet that they were green swords and a native of USA.

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