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Thread: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

  1. #1

    Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    I am try to make a power cable for an electric reel, The reel has a 2 pin connector and a thread as a lock for the connection plug. the plug has a locating key so it can only be connented one way.

    I have found a 2 pin electrical plug with the correct key and thread but I am not sure which pin is positive and which pin is negetive, the plug has one pin numbered 1 and the other numbered 2 ... anyone know which is pos + and which is Neg - ??


  2. #2

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    Afternoon BigE

    Not sure if my suggestion is going to help - is the reel body of metal construction? If it is, you might try measuring the resistance between the the body (earth) and the individual pins. The one with the least resistance (0 ohms) should be your negative pin (earth).

    Hope this is of some benefit.



  3. #3

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    I break things... so don't try this unless someone more knowledgable speaks up.

    I've never even seen an electric reel but I imagine its run on a dc motor. If you reverse polarity I think it just runs backward.

    Assuming that cause no damage, you could just try pushing temp wires into the plugs and seeing which way makes it go correctly.

    You might also bugger it completely....

  4. #4

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    Also not knowledgeable about this matter but are the pins of different thickness and is one centrally located as usually the +ve is the central pin and the thickest one as well.

  5. #5

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    Have you looked up, google the parts diagram or instructions as some indicate polarity or just call the local repair agency and ask nicely.

    Applying current the wrong way is never a good idea as it may stuff it quicksmart.

    What model and brand is it as someone may have similar or sister reel.

  6. #6

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    The reel is an Olympic 6/0 FUKABA 24volt. It looks like a solid bit of gear and it's 24v (not sure if that is a good thing or a pain in the ass) It looks like it built like a brick shithouse and weighs about 6kg all the switches look ok and the star drag and level wind are huge.

    The reel is the same as the one pictured but i dont have the power cable.


  7. #7

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    Give them a call and they will know - they will have spare leads as well and are QLD local.

  8. #8

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    generally mate in wiring, pin 1 is + power and pin 2 is earth. So i would go that way. if the reel is not electronically controlled, just an up and down switch, it will just go the wrong way if you mix up the power plugs.

    Cheers Joel

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member gruntahunta's Avatar
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    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    Aren't electric reels illegal? Just saying.

    Gotta Love Maroochydore.

  10. #10

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    The whole DC motor thing is one thing but if it have speed control etc.... then reverse polarity is a no no. More information required.

  11. #11

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    Why illegal ? I doubt it.

    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

  12. #12

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gruntahunta View Post
    Aren't electric reels illegal? Just saying.
    No - have you ever tried winching in 2 - 4 lb of lead + fish in 200m to 400m of water.

  13. #13

    Re: Electrical Wiring help needed!!!

    New cable made up thanks for all the feedback guys.


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