I only just read this thread for the first time ... boy, what a lot of BS .... and for once, none of it from me! mod2 take note!!
Ohhh look those bloody annoying little Santa things are back ..... Still, they're better than those rabbits at Easter. What good are bloody Bunnies!
(Another 1 for ya mod2)
Ha ha ..... Let me guess, you've stocked it with that Happy Meal as emergency rations!
Seriously, I think you'll be better off hitching a ride with Back in Black in that big esky.... I mean, at least he has beer in it (hint...don't ask if there's any Kahlua!).
So where we up to ... Plate boat sinks ..... the people (& Soulman) want to know why is this so? I'll tell you why ... plate alloy is heavier than water, that's why!
Cause ..... Speculation at this time but might have something to do with .... not enough Pump Action ...
Surely the crew has told someone something......
"let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"