what a morning. up at 3ish and off to peel. arrived as dawn was breaking due to a slow trip across the bay. there was a bit of south easter happening. wind vs tide wasn't conducive to light plastics so instead I deployed a couple of octajigs and sat back and read the paper. caught a couple of snaps in the low 40's which went back and then another that I kept for crab bait due to the tax man taking his cut on the way up. about 9am and things got interesting. big weight on and taking line. quickly pulled in the deadstick and started up the motor as I was running short of line in a short amount of time. well, I was half way back to Cleveland before the monster decided to head back to peel and after that it was back to Cleveland again and then north east heading for harries. a couple of blokes stopped to watch for a bit but I think they got bored after 20 minutes or so. I persisted and after the first hour I knew who was feeling most tired. I battled on until 11.15 before the leader gave way and as I was close to wello and feeling shagged I called it a day. some pics of the sharked snap and 1 of my gps which gives an idea of how long this went on. I have caught some big rays before but this thing must have been the size of a vw. on the upside I was very happy with how my 8lb combo coped with this creature. nonetheless I think it may be time to upsize