To those Kayak Fishos out there,
If you are looking for a great location to yak fish and fish a number of different styles, can I suggest/recommend the Upper Tweed River area.
Just come back from another 3 day weekend down that way (this was probably my 4th trip to this area) and it was yak fishing nirvana. You can fish many sections of the upper Tweed River from the upstream from Murwillumbah right up past Uki - though once you hit the Uki section you may need to walk you kayak from pool to pool.
If the river fishing is not firing, then you can head to Clarrie Hall Dam, which is 20 mins drive south from Uki. Launch location is Crams Farm Reserve/Brays Park. It's a great dam that twists and turns, has many islands, and is lined by lilly-pads everywhere, also has standing dead timber in the water spread throughout.
The weekend past saw 3 of us hit the river on the Friday casting snags and banks plus some trolling for a few bass - the biggest going 39cm and boy do these wild fish put up a fight too. Sat & Sun saw us hit the Dam. It tooks us a couple of hours to find a few schools of bass. But once we found them in the deeper sections we had a ball. Mainly trolling Ecogear SX48's in 4 to 7 meter sections. All fish were bass and were in the range of 35cm to 40cm and all fish put up an incredible fight - particularly on light gear (we fished 6 foot rods, 1000 reels, 5lb braid and 6lb leader). Only lost one lure to a fish that smashed the lure and sprinted into a snag.
We camped at the Mt Warning Rainforest Retreat (formally known as the Mt Warning Holiday Park), which we always stay at.
For those QLDers - don't forget to get your NSW Fishing license before you head off. $7 each for 3 days.
Will continue to head back there.
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