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Thread: Waddy Point Flathead

  1. #1

    Waddy Point Flathead

    I had a quick weekend trip to Fraser this last weekend, headed up on Friday and back yesterday. Managed to do a fair bit of fishing over 3 days, in between a few beers. Friday we headed straight up over Ngkala to hit some nice gutters that were there earlier in the month. Plucked a few worms and ended up with a good catch of whiting, they are in large numbers between Waddy and the cape, all catch and release, just good fun getting back to basics and using bait over lures off the beach. Saturday morning i headed down to Waddy and to my surprise me and a friend were the only ones there, in perfect weather and an out going tide, with a nice drain ripping out past the rocks, it had flathead written all over it! I don't normally bother too much off Waddy as it is normally crawling with people, sinkers and pipis flying everywhere! I have had a lot of success with paddle tail grubs over in Wathumba of late, so decided to give it a go off the rocks. Z-Man "3 MinnowZ did the damage, i had 2 flathead to about 40cm in about 5 mins, then something hit like a freight train! Ended up landing a 2.3kg model which was great fun off the rocks. My friend was quickly into the Z-Man stash, and within 5 minutes and about 10 metres, he managed a 2.6kg flatty. Was a great little session and an even better lunch, fresh flathead sandwiches fed the whole house with some left over for the freezer.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	97493Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	97494

    Sunday was the Orchid Beach fishing comp, a little comp for the community held once every 3 months. We had 28 starters on the weekend which was great, prizes like lures and stubby coolers supplied by BCF. With the previous days catch, i thought i had the flatty prize in the bag, not so! The conditions were a little different and with a few more people fishing off the rocks, it wasn't meant to be. I did take out the Tailor prize with a 36cm (don't laugh) 378g model caught in the last 20 mins. All for a bit of fun, was a top day.

    If anyone is headed up that way in the next few weeks, there are balls of bait and birds chewing from south of Indian all the way to the cape, i saw some large queenies cruising through the surf and i am sure there would be some monster tailor chewing through the bait. The whole place seemed very fishy!


  2. #2

    Re: Waddy Point Flathead

    Quote Originally Posted by GM-Bluewater View Post
    I did take out the Tailor prize with a 36cm (don't laugh) 378g model caught in the last 20 mins. All for a bit of fun, was a top day.
    hahaha ... 28 people fishing Orchid beach/waddy and a 36cm fish wins the prize!!??

  3. #3

    Re: Waddy Point Flathead

    Quote Originally Posted by chisel View Post
    hahaha ... 28 people fishing Orchid beach/waddy and a 36cm fish wins the prize!!??
    Haha yeh its no Toyota comp mate, i think out of that many only 15 would have wet a line!

  4. #4

    Re: Waddy Point Flathead

    Don't forget that the winning fish was only caught 20 minutes before the end of the comp. What would have won the comp if the Tailor wasn't caught?

  5. #5

    Re: Waddy Point Flathead

    Quote Originally Posted by sharkymark2 View Post
    Don't forget that the winning fish was only caught 20 minutes before the end of the comp. What would have won the comp if the Tailor wasn't caught?
    There are prizes per species then O/S (other species) Just your bread and butter fish, bream, whiting, flathead, tailor and dart. No records broken this comp, just a bit of fun and bragging rights really!

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